Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Round 7: A Bit of Heaven and Hell!"


Round 7, who would have thought it would have lasted this long.
But this has got to be what Dr. King was talking about...
Here we have two Democratic contenders, one while and female; and the other black and male. Both fighting on equal turf for the "Tittle" of "World Leader!"

I hope Hillary wears her signature yellow and Obama his Dark Suite. This is going to be the best debate ever... Ladies and gentlemen, this is history being made right in front of our eyes. Some one said the other day, that it would not be good if this contest goes all the way to the Convention.

I beg the differ.

This is academia's dream... To have a living classroom where the students can observe and be actively involved in the political environment of the day. Politics is "CooL" again. Wow!!! That a newbie!!!
A new generation is being empower to take wing and fly. The old heads (as Baisden can say) are being forced to stop and listen. This "0" Kids generation is awake, alert, and ready for service...
This is exciting stuff...

It is a "Culture Revival!" Where the Past, Present, and Future all come together to breath new life into our "Cultural Consciousness" as a people... This Political process is a reality show's worst nightmare. "0" Kids are turning off their ipods, video games, and cell phones (actually, that might be a stretch.) :)
Either way, this is good stuff...

This next debate is going to be the most ferrous debate in decades.
You have "Give'em Hell Hillary!" vs "I believe I can Fly Obama!" After it is all over, he will probably wish he could, right off the stage. I am sure Hillary is cocked and fully loaded. Just think about it. Since the last debate, she has lost shamefully in every part of the country. Bill has gotten a bad rap for something he said in SC which has rendered him practically useless to her campaign. Chelsea has been smeared and push around by the over-reaching press. And now, Obama has all but sealed the deal with John Edwards for all his support.

Oh, it is going to be "High Anxiety Thursday"up there!!! I hope Wolf has his "Flak Jacket" from Iraq handy. He will probably need it starting immediately after the "Introduction..."

This is what Dr. King's dream was about. When two people that are different in every way (race, gender, age, class, statue) can come together in a ferrous debate and not be judged by any of these physical descriptions, but strictly on merit... Now this a dream and many years of work coming to fruition! These debates must go on until we have an undeputed winner... It is a great service to the American people. Huckabee is right, people deserve and should demand choice. Also as long as these debates continue, every one benefits. The candidates get stronger, battle tested, and fit; not to mention bruised, bloodied, and scorned...

And of course us, the spectators. We get to spend an evening with loved ones, family, and friends cheering on our favorite candidate in an holsome and humble way.
Yea, right!!!
If you think it is heated in the ring, you shouold show up at some of these debate parties... Folks be throwing stuff, calling names (nice names of course), and leave mad. Some couple can barely drive home together, much less sleep in the same room... And don't let it be two co-workers on different sides, it spills over to work the next day...
Check this out, the one who is for Obama will make sure her "Yes we can" ringtone goes off at least a thousand time during the day... Home girl be callling herself just to get under Hillary's supporters skin... Oh but don't think the Hillary supporter aint ready... Homeboy goes out to the corner ringtone shop and get's "Give'em Hell Hillary" ringtone programmed into his phone... Oh you know it's on then... You know me, got to keep it interesting.

But some of these debate parties are "off the chain..." Now it's a shame that there will not be any $1000.00 ringside seats available to be scalped at $3000.00 each... But that only means no one can tell you to sit down or shut-up, or not applaud in your own family room with the big flat screen TV... :) And if they do you can put them out or knock them out or , you get my point...

But most importantly, we as a nation get to choose from the best of the best to lead us into a brighter future. Obama has done exploits as a newcomer on the National scene. He has not taken votes from anyone. He has energized a whole new group of voters to get involved. To stand-up and be counted... To let their voices be heard... One by one they have started what appears to becoming a movement... Time and action will tell but they are certainly on their way...

Now Hillary, has had to rethink the political process all together... Even rewrite lots of it to be able to navigate the swift moving currents of this campaign... Some very costly lessons for a "Sixties Kid" to have to relearn, but she has; and as my mother can say, she has gotten a "toe-grip." Now she is poised for a "come back..." And what a come back it will be... She has had to re-energize the base of the party... Kick some, revive some with oxygen, and prop some up but it seems they have finally realized this is not a 100 yard sprint but a marathon... (If you are in Obama's camp you say, "this is not a wave, but a TSunami.)

Either way, "Ground Zero" on thursday night will be "Live" in Austin Texas... The hottest spot on the planet... There will not be any rules, just ferrous debate...
And history will be made right in front of our eyes...

This time around, I'd be surprized if their podiums are not miles apart from each other. And no glass bottles allowed... And all in attendance will be searched for contraband that might be passed on to their candidate... You know like "M&Ms" or "Gummy Bears." These are great "Attention Getters" if you know what I mean... :)

No but seriously, a spirited debates is good for the Political Process... This is why we are called a "Democracy!" We can come together and aire our differences, arguments and disagreements in a civil democratic way. And at the end of the day still be civil...
And win, lose, or draw; we get back up the next day, mend to our wounds, put on our battle gear, and get back into the frey...
Oh, the beauty of it all...

So Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and all our dear friends (a John McCain standard), as "Jakes" use to say, "Get Ready, Get Ready, Get, Get, Get, Ready.... It's goig to be on - on CNN - "Thursday Night Live" from Austin Tx...
I hope they have the DVDs on sell in the back after the service...
Oh, this ain't church...
My Bad!!!
It's a good thing this debate is not being held on wednesday night... A lot of churches would be empty...

All I can say is "Fried chicken, corn bread, collard greens; Somebody, please pass those Black-eyed-peas!!!"

Round Seven: A Bit of Heaven and Hell!!!
Be There are be square!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Obama: Cult Leader!"

There is an interesting article by Charles Krauthammer of the New York Daily News. It tries to describe the “Obama Effect” as something mysterious or cultish…


If Obama is a cult leader then the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties are too… The definition of a cult would apply to either one of these parties. In some situations the Republican party has acted more like a cult than any organization of recent history. Their most famous cult leader by Krauthammer analogy of a cult, would have been Ronald Reagan…

If anything, Obama has taped into a vein in American Culture that exposes a vast deficiency. I would like to believe that deficiency is more cultural than anything else. I have a philosophy that it’s impossible to reason with a hungry man… The flip side of this observation is, “the same man will flock to the hand that feeds him…”

So apparently there are a lot of “hungry” people around. But what are they hungry for???
It must be “Hope!”
That’s what Obama is selling, “Hope!”

The article spot-lights the comments of “Hard Ball’s, Chris Matthews after the Potomac Primary.
The article reads:
“Until you hear Chris Matthews, who no longer has the excuse of youth, react to Obama’s Potomac primary victory speech with “My, I felt this thrill going up my leg.” When his MSNBC co-hosts tried to bail him out, he refused to recant. Not surprising for an acolyte who said that Obama “comes along, and he seems to have the answers.”

I was listening that night when Chris made that comment. I believe that he was feeling the void also. We must remember that for so long America has been no. 1 around the world. Americans don’t like being in second place…
This creates a void of hope and pride…
So Obama has bursted on the scene with the right message at the right time…


As one who believes in the “Supernatural” and the “influences of the Ancestors,” Obama has the rhythum of the vibe. I wrote about this in an earlier post. The vibe is a rhythum that vibrates through-out the diapora from time and time and time again… This vibe is what cause people of the same rhythum to come together. So when Obama gets into this vibe the rhythum arouses the ancestors who act as repeaters through-out the diaspora calling out to people who are open to the vibe…

I don’t believe Obama realize the influence the ancestors have on his success. My fear is the same as in the news article though, that Obama will fall out of rhythum with the ancestors. You may wonder how this could happen???

It is simple!!!

Obama has a humbleness about himself which allows the ancestors to communicate through him. But I have observed several times when he seemed out of sinch. It could be due to fatigue, lack of focus, or self pride. In my opinion, this is proof that Obama does not have a full understanding of what he is experiencing. He is just riding the wave. The vibe of the ancestors influence is always presence but we are not always receptive or open to it… So what Chris Matthews felt is what I call “an Ancestral Touch!”

The Ancestors have been waiting on someone like Obama, but is Obama the one or did he just catch the vibe (wave)?

The way we will know that Obama is the one and can change the world is when he cause a masssive number of people to come together in one place from all over the world to hear the message… This is characteristic of the ancestors influence. When the rhythum of the vibe is repeated by the ancestors through-out the diaspora as the sound of the drum, people will hear it and answer…

In recent history we have seen this effect by only a few people. One of course it Dr. King. Dr. King was completely in tune with the ancestors and knew it… Thus the march on Washington…
Dr. King was so in tune with the ancestor that he preached his own eulogy.
Had the ancestors told him of his destiny?
Could he had change the outcome?
I believe the answer to both questions is yes…

The next example will be hard for some to swallow because of what they think of the organization but the ancestors don’t have a respect of person… That person is non other than Louis Farrakhan… Louis Farrakhan heard the ancestors call for the “Million Man March.” Farrakhan is a prime example of a man who caught he vibe of rhythum of the ancestors for a season…

I heard the call to go to the Million Man March but initially rejected the call because I am not a muslim. I questioned the call and rejected it again… I could not believe that the ancestors would want me to attend this march because I am a christian. Then I received a very strong “Ancestral Touch” which made me challenge the ancestors for validation. Needless to say, after making some demands of the ancestors, which were quickly answered, I found myself at the Million Man March…
I asked the ancestors why was Farrakhan (who let me say I have nothing against except I am not muslim) chosen to call this march… The ancestors let me know that the call went out and Farrakhan was the only one that answered it…
This fact was validated when I met a devout christian minister there. We both were surprised to see each other there… I asked him, “why are you here?” He said, “I answered the same call you did!”
I could say nothing, just smile!!!

This may sound creepy???
But if you are honest with yourself, you can remember a time when you felt something that was more than physical but spiritual for the lack of a better word…
This is what I believe Elder Mother Morrison was talking about when she said, Obama has that something…
So, if Obama is truly answering the call of the ancestors and know it, his popularity will continue to increase until he has accomplished what he is called to do… Now, on the other hand, if he is just riding the vibe (wave), like any wave he could fall off… I have not jumped on the Obama “Surf Board” yet because like many others, I believe Hillary has the “Tools” to better do the job…

Besides it took one Clinton to clean up after the first Bush! So who better to clean up after the second Bush… I did a earlier post an the subject called,

“Hillary, the Clean Up Woman!”

But if Obama is aware of what he is experiencing, it will become very apparent soon. Then as someone on hard ball said the other day, “It’s impossible to stop a Tsunami!”

Ok, now you know I like to keep it interesting… So, if Obama really is in tune with the ancestors, then he will truly unify the party by uniting with Hillary on the dream ticket… This will eliminate all tension… hummmmm!!!!

“Obama: Cult Leader?”

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"The Carter and Obama Parallel!"

Is this History repeating itself or what???

Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have several similarities that parallel!!!
Let's lay out what we know President Carter faced as he came into his Presidency and thru-out:
1- Carter's presidency followed an embarrassing Republican tenure with Gerald Ford completing the impeached Richard Nixion's term...
2 - Carter also ran on change and being a Washington outsider...
3 - Carter was known as the smiling president (a nice southern governor with strong southern valves.)...
4 - Carter's term followed a very long hated war half-way around the world...
5 - Carter was faced with a problem with the Iran Hostage Crisis...
6 - Carter had to deal with fuel crisis and fluxuating prices...
7 - Carter had to deal with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan destablizing the region...

I believe that most American view Charter's Presidency a failure. Ronald Regan ran against him in 1981, winning with ease and locking down the presidency for the republicans for the next twelve years... Changer and the outsider combined to equal failure...

Now let's look at Obama and his potential presidency...
1 - Obama is running as an agent of change and Washington outsider just like Carter...
2 - Obama is following the very Unpopular Presidency of George Bush because of a costly war and poor economy...
3 - Obama will inherit a very poor relationship with Iran and for that matter, around the world...
4 - Obama will also have to deal with High Fuel cost and price fluxuations that effect all American citizens... Like Carter he could be blamed for all these problem...
5 - Obama will also inherit a very unpopular long war in Iraq and Afghanistan... There we see Afghanistan again...
6 - Obama is known as the gentleman or nice guy...
7 - Obama will have to overcome America's falling dollar and very high deficits brought on due poor oversight by the Bush White House and this costly war...

As you can see, these are turbulent times that must be navigated with skillful, time tested, tactics that protect us from the bad guys, improve the economy and create new jobs ... I believe Obama is a great orator but does Obama have the experience needed to navigate this ship through this fearful mine field???

Should we roll the dice?

Cross our fingers??

And take our chances???

I don't think so...

I believe Hillary has the experience, the skills, and the doggedness to "Clean-up" Bush's mess!!! It took a Clinton to clean-up the first Bush's mess and bring the economic back in the back and restore our reputation around the world... Let's let Hillary do "Be the Clean-up Woman!!!"

By the way, Carter was a Naval Officer...

Now you know me, I like to keep it interesting... There is a way of accomplishing both...
Let's really make "His-Story and Her-Story... Now all together boys and girls, "HeIrS-Story!" And you know what that means... :)
Here we go again,

"The Dream Ticket!"

If Obama calls himself a unifier but can't start in his own house... Then Obama is as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal... And you know what I mean...

"The Carter - Obama Parallel!"

Obama: Pass or No Pass on Drugs!!! John McCain will not give him a Pass!!!

Today the “buzz” is the cat-fight fall-outs from the Grammy’s.
Usually the same old bull but this time the topics are quite interesting.

1 - The real “Queen of Soul” is pissed at “Ms B” (you know who I am talking about, stop playing.) for calling “Ms T” the “Queen.”

I must come to “Ms B’s” defense. She called “Ms T” the “Queen…” Which I took to mean the “Queen of Rock and Roll!”
Aretha, the Queen of Soul, Just wants a little “Respect?”
Where is “Ms O” when you need her???

2 - “Ms C” has got her panties in a wedgie over “The Black Horse and the Cherry Tree” girl receiving a grammy on the steps of “Rehab!”
“No! No! No! - Yes! Yes! Yes!”
Tell me it isn’t so???
I am afraid it is… :}

But (there goes that “Big But” in the room again…)
“Ms C,” who I love dearly, is also a former drug user and Grammy winner…
So I really don’t get it…
I guess she did not realize that the potential “Leader of the Free World” is also a “Grammy” winner and former drug user…

Come on “Ms C”, get a grip!!!
“Don’t be a hater!!!”


You and “Ms Cherry tree,” are entertainers. Society expects you all to be in a daze most of the time. Look at the other “Ms B” (you know who I am talking about, in the news every day for going to the psych ward to be evaluated. Stop playing.) she sells more papers in a daze than you sell clean… Go Figure…

So I guess the phrase: “Join the Club,” is in order here…

But on a more serious note (as if I wasn’t serious before!)
did Obama get a temporay pass on the drug question???


I have reason for asking this question. “Ms B” and “Ms Cherry Tree” are not going to be making decisions that will effect the safety, health, and welfare of the Nation, maybe even the Planet. The decisions they make really only effect a very small amount of the populus…

If Obama wins the nomination, I don’t believe the Republicans are going to give him a pass. They, like Hillary, don’t have much ammo on him so what is the most obvious “POA.” (Come on, you know what I mean, “Point of Attack” (POA)… S.T.O.P. P.L.A.Y.I.N.G…)

As a prior military personnel, it is practically impossible to enter the military if you admit to have “used” drugs. “Used” is the optimum word here. If it is determined that you were a drug user then you can be “barred” from “high level security” jobs (Like President of the United States of America). http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/a/enlstandards2.htm

Hillary’s camp has treated Obama very gingerly on the subject. I don’t think a war hero is going to let him off that easily… They might, but I doubt it… Do you remember what John McCain said when asked about “woodstock,” something to the effect, “I am sure it was a pharmaceutical event that I could not attend because I was all tied up in a hotel far away.”

So this could be problematic for the Dems if John McCain takes it there…
And God forbid John McCain chooses Hukkabee as a running mate…
I can here the sermon now…
“What do we tell our children, “you can grow up to be just like the President… The shame of it all…”" As Minister Republican potential VP would say as he passed the offerring plate…


Obama: Pass or No Pass on Drug Question???

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Science of Momentum!

Today in the political arena, we hear a lot about “Big Mo” (Big Momentum)! So what is the science behind momentum.
What causes it and what happens when it is gone.

Simply, momentum (p) equals mass (m) times (x) velocity (v)

or p = mv


What does this mean as it relates to this political process?
Let’s break it down like this…

Obama’s momentum is the effect of an outside force caused by the down”Hill!” Get it, “Down Hillary.”
Plain and simple. Momentum is what happens when your car stops on a “Hill.” When it starts to roll, it will gain momentum on the downhill slope. The problem with this situation is that when your car reach a point where there is no more “Hill” or slope, it will run out of momentum. Then it will come to a complete stop.

What does this mean in layman’s terms?
Momentum is not force but the effect force has on something. It is simply the effect natural forms have on an object. Why is this important?
Well if you just want to get your car off the “Hill” so you can park it on the side of the road, then momentum is what you need. If you want to go further than that, you will need force.

This is problematic for the Democratic Campaign if Obama’s momentum is the slide effect he is getting because he is rolling off the “Hill” (Hillary). What happens then when the “Hill” is no longer in the race. Momentum does not have force to regenerate the effect of movement…
Without force, then there is a stall…

Force is what causes something to move and accelerate…
Force is generated…


Back to your car! The engine cause force which propells you down the highway and up the hills. Another example of momentum, is when you go snow sledding. You carry your sled to the top of the “Hill” and sit down and let gravity and the snow surface take effect. Then down the “Hill” you go. Wheee!!!
But we all know, what happens at the bottom of the “Hill?”
That’s right, you run out of momentum and then you come to a stop…
This is what you expect to happen every time…
And it does…
The math never changes…
You slid down the “Hill” and stop at the bottom…
It’s all in the numbers…

But what happens when you run out of energy to carry that sled back to the top of the “Hill?”
You go home…
Even worst, what happens if you have a lot of snow but no “Hill?” You will have to find someone to pull you around (force) to give your sled movement.
If not, you don’t snow sled.

Now, Hillary (Hill) does not have momentum but she does have force. Hillary has been in the “underdog” position in this race, since “Ms O” endorsed Obama early on. Therefore, Hillary has had to earn or apply force for every vote. Which simply means, Hillary generates the energy to earn votes. It is not based on momentum…

So, here is an hypothetical situation…

Let’s just say for the sake of debate that, Obama’s momentum is in part an adverse effect against the “Hill.” If this is true in part, then if Hillary loses the nomination, Obama’s momentum could begin to really fade…
Without having to apply force or fuel to his campaign, how then would he move forward with the force necessary to beat John McCain in the general election?

Simply said, “Obama’s force has yet to be seen, but Hillary is throttling in every venue.”
The math does not lie…
With no momentum what is Obama’s fuel force???

You know me, connecting the dots…
Got to keep it interesting…

“The Science Of Mementum!”

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Mission Conttrol: “The “Zero” (0) Kids Generation is on board “Future” (shuttle) and ready for lift off!!!”
It seems that the “0″ kids generation have gotten energized, they are on board, and turning up their ipods…

They have heard the ringtone, “Yes we can!!!”
And now they are showing up in massive numbers, ready to write their own music of change for their future…
They are creating cell phone video clips of their generation (and sending them to their moms) that their kids and grand kids will look back at on flat screens video frames on the ceiling…

Yes Mission Control: Get ready for “Throddle Up!”
This is their cultural matriculation!
The “0″ kids are now replacing the “sixties” kids as the most politically involved generation ever… They are changing the culture landscape for the 21 Century and the world will never look the same again…

And their Pied Piper is Barack “O”Bama!!!
Obama is giving merit to that “something” that Elder Mother Morrison spoke about…
This is important for Obama because he is relatively unknown with a short list of credentials. Obama has had to prove himself each step of the way…
If Obama gets the democratic nomination he will have to face off with John McCain…
Then Obama will need all the support he can muster from the “0″ kids generation in order to fuel the necessary force for the escape velocity he will need to overcome John McCain’s gravitational pull…

John McCain has a long list of credentials stretching back some sixty years…
People gravitate to him because of his declorated career and sacrifice…
He is a veteran and war hero…
He has over three decades in government service…
And he is a senior citizen…

In order for Obama to capture the heart of the America people, it will be by mobilizing the “0″ kids generation. He will have to be able to rally this generation (in a symbolic, if not literal march on Washington) in massive numbers to let this nation and the world hear the mantra of their generation , “Yes we can!!!”
This type of rally of the “0″ kids generation texting in one voice, “Yes we can,” will give credence to his strengths and salvation to his weaknesses. In effect, diminishing all the strengths of the Republican candidate John McCain!!!

But (and again the “Big But” in the room), can Obama keep this momentum going???

Now you know, my main interest in this political process is it’s “Cultural Dynamics!” There is a very obvious “cultural disfunction” that is apparent in the Clinton camp. Hillary is experiencing “something” that no one in a political campaign has ever had to factor in before…
The Cultural profile of an African American contender…
The Cultural pros and cons of the game as it relates to a person of color…
It is not that the Clinton Camp under estimated Obama, but simply they don’t understand Obama’s appeal due to his cultural community!!!
The Clintons are use to being the ones who stand up for Obama’s community, but now they find themselves on the outs…

In order for Hillary to beat (if it’s not already too late) Obama, she is going to have to take a crash course in “Cultural Consciousness!!! She is going to have to become conscious of the cultural landscape she is fighting on… She is actually running against herself by not knowing how to disect Obama’s cultural appeal…
Once Hillary become culturally conscious then she will easily be able to see the weak places in Obama’s armor… But (again here is that but) please allow me to say that Obama has planted his roots in deep now and it is going to be hard to root him out…

Earlier I referred to Obama as the “Pied Piper!”
Part symbolism and part fact…
Please allow me to explain my rationale…
Culturally, Obama has become the “0″ kids generation’s vision of hope for their future…
If Obama does gets the majority of the populus vote, but does not win the nomination. The “0″ kids will probably protest by nothing less than not going to the polls or going to the polls and voting for a non-democrat…
This is a cultural phenomenon that I refer to as a “Cultural Backlash!”
It all comes about because of a cultural first where a white woman and an African American man is competing for votes from the same cultural community…
In this case it is two different cultural communities combined…
Without a significant amount of votes from these cultural communities, individually or together, neither candidate would be able to win the general election…

“Exciting stuff…”

But before anyone counts anyone out,
Remember, it ain’t over til the fat lady sings,
It ain’t over til the last bell rings,
It ain’t over til the checker flag fly.
It ain’t over till it’s over…

“This is some exciting stuff…”

So Mission Control, We have ignition…
The “0″ kids generation is fired up and ready for blast off…


Monday, February 4, 2008

"It's Been A Long Time Coming!"

It's been long time coming, but after listening to Ms O's speech a again, it came to me! Thanks Ms O!!!
Let me make this prefectly clear.
I am a "Ms O" fan and believe she has the rigft to vote for whom she likes...
It amazes me that she is backing "BO" for POTUS.

You know I call myself "Culturally Conscious."
This is something that became apart of me when I lived in Germany back in the ninties. Culture, because of the short cultural landmarks we have as a black people. Consciousness, because it is important to preserve, display, and teach our culture so that it will not be lost or forgotten.
In Europe their culture is visible every where and all the citizens know it. The most obvious visible landmarks all is found in their graveyards.
They have grave markers that are four hunderd years old. I was in awe when I realized that they can point to a "Cultural Landmark" and say this is our roots...

I did a post called, "Viola Liuzzo Who?" I found her name in the list of well known fallen Civil Rights leaders. I received two comments; one from her daughter and son each. This is Cultural Consciousness. The struggle is about moving forward and not leaving our fallen on the battle field forgotten.

Both of the candidates on the democratic side and their supporters, all have envolked Dr. King's name. Hillary talks about being taken to see Dr. King speak by her youth minister. Dr. King's speech changed her life. Caused Hillary to convert from a republican to a democrat.
Obama talks about what he read Dr. King said, and he says he is the candidate of "now!"
"Ms O," Spoke about the struggle being about rights to vote and being free to chose...

All this is true and they almost got me.
I was almost convinced that maybe these important people see something that I don't see...
Until I shifted back into my "Cultural Consciousness" and reflected on the actural struggle...
The struggle that people died for...
The struggle that people cried for...
The struggle that people walked, sat-in, and marched for...
The struggle that people lost family and friends for...
The struggle to vote...
The struggle for equal opportunity...
The struggle for equal rights...
The struggle for women's rights...
The struggle for human rights...
The struggle for this snapshot in time...
Yes, this struggle that moves from this point on in video form...
Yes, they almost had me until "Ms O" talked about this struggle...
So if they are talking about this struggle then certainly it is not Obama's time...

It is not Obama's time because his roots did not need the benefits of this struggle to accomplish all he has done. He has enjoyed the benefits of this struggle, but his roots never needed them...

His roots are not rooted in the dark dirt of this struggle he so quickly envolk...

These are roots Obama adapted...

Toni Morrison, the writer, elder and cultural icon, that I salute and truly admire, endorsed Obama.
She said, "In addition to keen intelligence, integrity and a rare authenticity, you (Obama) exhibit something that has nothing to do with age, experience, race or gender and something I don't see in other candidates." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22879780/
I believe it is that "something" that exposes the lack of Obama's roots in the struggle that he so quickly envolk.

In 1998, (Mother) Morrison wrote a column for the New Yorker magazine in which she wrote of Bill Clinton: "White skin notwithstanding, this is our first black president. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime. After all, Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22879780/

Mother Morrison spoke of roots she saw in Bill which are rooted in the same struggle of dark dirt of black people. I said it in a previous blog: "Timing is Everything," that this is culturally contradictory of black women. Black women are great supporters of the notion that the woman behind the man makes the man. As a black man, I have heard this quote all my life: that behind or beside every great man is a great woman...

So it's about roots...
Roots give the oak the strength to withstand the storm winds and flood waters...
It's roots that reminds the leaf at the tip of the highest limb that "we are oak..."
It is roots that are firmly afixed in the black dirt of the struggle each candidate so easily envolk...
It's about Culture...
I am not saying that Obama does not have the right to run...
But (yes the "Big Butt" in the room) to be truly culturally conscious of this struggle that Obama is running on, one would have to say, that Obama is not one of its rooted and grounded sons.

A vote for Obama on the platform of "the struggle" might as well be a vote of "Arnold Schwarzenegger!"
Actually Arnold and Obama have something in common.
They both have political appeal...
Arnold will not be running on the "King dream" but the "American dream."

So you see, Culturally, Hillary has roots in the dark dirt of the civil, women's, and voting rights struggle that she so eloquently speak of...
It is a struggle she has been intimately involved with for several decades...
If Hillary were not running and another who did not have their roots intimately involved in this dark dirt was running, it would be Obama's time.
But she is running!!!
When "Ms O" stands on stage with the Kennedy women and declare us to free, the struggle is over; she is saying we are all equal in every way...
Culturally, this is Ludacrous...
Did she not see what happened in "Jena!"
Yes in 2007!
The struggle is not over.
Did she not see what happened to the black woman in West Virginia?
The struggle is not over....
Does she not know how many black people are unemployed?
The struggle is not over...

Sorry "Ms O" but your "slip" is showing...

Barack Obama's time is not "now!"

It's about struggle...
It's about roots...
It's about time...

It's Hillary's time...

"It's Been a Long Time Coming!"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

"BO" got "Big Mo" with "Ms O!", But, "Hill" got "Bill" whata "Deal!"

*****Super Tuesday******
Yes, more exciting than the superbowl...
And now all the gloves are off...
Every side has their "Big Hitters" in full effect...

"BO" Got "Big Mo" with "Ms O!" But "Hill" Got "Bill" whata "Deal!"

Let's start with Barack Obama...
Barack Obama (BO) got Big Momentum (Mo) with Ms Oprah (Ms O) this weekend in Cali...
The surprise guest was Maria Schwarzenegger... (Isn't her husband a pretty "Bigggg Republican????")
Now I see why everybody is referring to him as attractive...
It seems that women are caught up in his looks... Maybe even in his manhood...
The majority of the attendants were female.
It is certainly a woman thing...
I kept waiting to hear "I'm every woman" playing in the background.
Maria said that BO as president would stand up for women rights.
I thought that the best person to stand up for women rights would be Hillary.
I wonder why I would think that...
Maybe because Hillary and women have something in common...
Maria went as far as saying, think of a moment in your life. Like of all things, when you had a baby...
She was saying that this was this kind of moment...
So why are they supporting BO...
If anyone should understand having a baby it would be Hillary...
Not BO!!!
What was that all about...
Of course, "Ms O," was in her black mode. It reminded me of Halle Barry's line in the movie "Queen" when she said, "I's negra too!"
Maria said,
"So goes Obama, So goes California!"
I say, "So goes "BO", So goes "Ms O!!!""
So BO better be on that ticket somewhere or "Ms O's" "slip" will be showing...
The only person on the stage that did not look out of place was "Mrs BO..."
She was dressed nice and comfortable...
He had on her (for real) beautiful smile...
And she, as her husband, spoke eloquently...

Now Hillary (Hill) got Bill (being himself) whata Deal baby...
With Hillary, let's go back to the debate on thursday. Hillary stood head and shoulder over Obama on all the issues...
She talks with conviction about every cause from the war to the economy to human rights... And even tho she has Bill to help make the deal, she does not need Bill to be the real deal...
And as she said,(which I think she got from my post) "it took one Cllinton to clean up after the first Bush, it will take another Clinton to clean up after the second Bush!!!"
Hillary also gave Obama a pass on his indorcement by Sen. Ted Kennedy who made ludicris statements like JFK started the "Civil Rights movement...
The audacity of the man...
Then you have Tucker of all people defend Obama against Hillary...
This lets me know that the Consevatives are more wearied about Hillary than Obama!!!
I wonder why???
And their worst fear is that Hillary and Obama will create "a dream ticket" (which is an idea who's time has come).

Who knows maybe that will be "Ms O's" role...
One never knows, does one...

You know I like to keep it interesting...
Well what a knock down, drag out match-up this would be if we had,
"Hillary and Obama dream team!" Vs "McCain and Huckabee Dream team!"

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Sistas: Stuck On Stupid!" "SOS!"

I hope this story does not attrack to many haters but I thought it spoke to our cultural identity as a people on many fronts. I know I am not going to be able to complete it in one writing but here goes…

I Heard this story from a former homeless guy who watched it unfold…
So he starts off telling me that one fall morning he was sitting on the street looking for a hand-out. He said, all of a sudden this nice ride pulls up. A young sista dressed really nice from head to toe stepped out. The young sista then says something to the driver, throws him a kiss, and then the car speeds off. He said, he recognized the driver as a local playa in the area. He was driving her car. The homeless guy said, he was just sitting there looking at the young sista as she walked by. Then suddenly she turned toward him and began to degrade all black men. He said, she really lost it. She was screaming at the top of her voice. She called him all sorts of names. He said really the only thing he remember hearing was when she called him "stupid."

He said, all he could think of was that she was the one “stuck on stupid!”
He said he kinda thought like she owed him something for the therapy session she got by venting on him, so he asked her for some money… He said, she bacame outraged again, but reached in her pocket and gave him a buck… Thinking, wow, what do I have to lose, so he asked for more… Again this young sista was outraged. She was ranting and raving but again she reached in her pocket and gave him a twenty spot.

As she walked away the homeless guy said out loud, “Now who is stuck on stupid?”
He said the young sista stopped in her track, but never turned around, shrugged her shoulders and then kept on walking to work.
The homeless guy thought well, if she is going to let that playa play her that way then she is open game for everyone.
He said, later in the week, he saw the same young sista again getting out of the same car. Again she said something to the driver, threw him a kiss as the same playa sped off with her car…
The homeless guy said, what the hell, what do I have to lose.
So as the young sista tried to quickly walk by without looking his way, the homeless guy asked her for a hand-out…

She slowed down but did not stop, then she began walking faster again. The homeless guy said, this time he yelled out, “I see you are still stuck on stupid…”

Hearing the homeless guy's words caused the young sista to erupt in angry toward the homeless guy. The homeless guys said, again this young sista was yelling and screaming at him at the top of her voice. The homeless guy said all he could really hear over her screaming high pitched voice as she screamed in his face was, “you are stupid….yada…yada…yada!!!”
He said, after she had finally stopped screaming at him. She threw up her arms in the air and said here… To his surprise, she gave him a twenty-spot, then quickly turned and walked away…

The homeless guy said it was friday, so it was a few days before he saw her again. But like clock work, the young sista got out of the same car with the same playa and he again quickly sped off. The homeless guy said, this time the young sista slowly walked by him as if she was expecting him to say something.
The homeless guy said that most street people are social engineers. If nothing else they learn how to read people's moods and behavior. This is how they survive.
So he did not say anything to the young sista…
He knew she was waiting for him to say something but he wasn't going say anything…
So this young sista stopped in front of him and said softly, “aren’t you going to say something!” The homeless guy just looked at her and shook his head. Then the young sista started to walk away but stopped. The homeless guy said the young sista then turned toward him and said, "can I ask you a question?"
The homeless guy said he nodded his head yes.
The homeless guy said the young sista looked him straight in the eyes and said, “why do you say I am stuck on stupid?"

The homeless guys seeing his opportunity to get some money, said to the young sista, "I have to pay for the shelter and I need a couple dollars for lunch." The young sista took a deep breath, then reached into pocket and gave him a twenty.
The homeless guy said, “I really need two of these to make it happen…”
The homeless guy said the young sista said in a snappy voice, "Ok,Ok, but that’s it, now tell me?"
The homeless guy said he said to the young sista, "you call me stupid and you know what I am about. But you call him honey every morning and you don’t know what he is about."

"So who is stupid???"

The homeless guy said the young sista looked puzzled at his words, then turned and walked on to work…

….i will finish this later……:)

Friday, February 1, 2008

We Will Not Forget!!!

The Morning after a history making democratic debate, I am overwhelmed with joy. I believe, hope, and pray that our darks days as a nation are behind us. Morning is bursting through, and we as a people can enjoy a brighter tomorrow. I believe the spirits of all the ancestors were present last night to witness this great occasion. I don’t believe they were disappointed. The entire building was electrofied. It was radiating with vibe of history’s past. It was highly diversified. From the door to the stage, people from all walks of life huddled into one place side-by-side to “be” apart of history. “I know you could feel!”

Yesterday as I looked back down the crossroads of time, reminiscent of how we got here.
I strolled through the dark days of the sixties from Selma to Montgomery, I ran across an unfamilar name of a fallen soldier.
I did not recognize this fallen Civil Rights activist. The first thing that came to mine was,

“Viola Liuzzo who?”

I began to think out loud, this does not sound like a black person’s name. Neither does this sound like a man’s name. No, this person seems to be a white woman. Do you mean a white woman is among those who gave their lives for Hillary and Obama to face off tonight in an equal forum???

You know my cultural heart rate was off the charts. My consciousness was tasered by this revelation. Ms Liuzzo was a 39 years old mother of five who was murdered by the KKK in 1965 after the march to Mongomery march in Alabama.
Ms Liuzzo got involved with the civil rights movement after seeing the horrible images of the aborted march at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. She is noted to have said, this struggle, “was everybody’s fight!”


What a powerful statement!
A statement that is as relevent today as then.

Yes, today!
The Morning after our dreams were realized…
We have come a long way…
So I hope as we watched this historical debate last night we put this snapshot in time into perspective. Not only has it been a long time coming, but it came with a very high cost.
Whether you are black or white, male or female, young or old, rich or poor; we all must be concsious of the long hard blood stained road that we as a people have travelled to get her.

So I hope as you watched history being made last night right in front of our eyes with your family and friends, you take note.
That people like Viola Liuzzo (and many others who’s names are more familiar) made history in many years ago that has taken this long to be realized.
The struggle is not a black thing!
It’s not a white thing!
Not a brown, red, or yellow thing!
The struggle is a civil rights thing…
It’s a human rights thing…

So on the morning after witnessing history being made we must make a commitment, that we will do our part to live the dreams of all those who fought bled and died to see this snapshot in time become a video clip…
We must not forget!
We can not forget!
We will not forget!

Because as Ms Viola Liuzzo said, “this is everybody’s fight!”
