Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Science of Momentum!

Today in the political arena, we hear a lot about “Big Mo” (Big Momentum)! So what is the science behind momentum.
What causes it and what happens when it is gone.

Simply, momentum (p) equals mass (m) times (x) velocity (v)

or p = mv


What does this mean as it relates to this political process?
Let’s break it down like this…

Obama’s momentum is the effect of an outside force caused by the down”Hill!” Get it, “Down Hillary.”
Plain and simple. Momentum is what happens when your car stops on a “Hill.” When it starts to roll, it will gain momentum on the downhill slope. The problem with this situation is that when your car reach a point where there is no more “Hill” or slope, it will run out of momentum. Then it will come to a complete stop.

What does this mean in layman’s terms?
Momentum is not force but the effect force has on something. It is simply the effect natural forms have on an object. Why is this important?
Well if you just want to get your car off the “Hill” so you can park it on the side of the road, then momentum is what you need. If you want to go further than that, you will need force.

This is problematic for the Democratic Campaign if Obama’s momentum is the slide effect he is getting because he is rolling off the “Hill” (Hillary). What happens then when the “Hill” is no longer in the race. Momentum does not have force to regenerate the effect of movement…
Without force, then there is a stall…

Force is what causes something to move and accelerate…
Force is generated…


Back to your car! The engine cause force which propells you down the highway and up the hills. Another example of momentum, is when you go snow sledding. You carry your sled to the top of the “Hill” and sit down and let gravity and the snow surface take effect. Then down the “Hill” you go. Wheee!!!
But we all know, what happens at the bottom of the “Hill?”
That’s right, you run out of momentum and then you come to a stop…
This is what you expect to happen every time…
And it does…
The math never changes…
You slid down the “Hill” and stop at the bottom…
It’s all in the numbers…

But what happens when you run out of energy to carry that sled back to the top of the “Hill?”
You go home…
Even worst, what happens if you have a lot of snow but no “Hill?” You will have to find someone to pull you around (force) to give your sled movement.
If not, you don’t snow sled.

Now, Hillary (Hill) does not have momentum but she does have force. Hillary has been in the “underdog” position in this race, since “Ms O” endorsed Obama early on. Therefore, Hillary has had to earn or apply force for every vote. Which simply means, Hillary generates the energy to earn votes. It is not based on momentum…

So, here is an hypothetical situation…

Let’s just say for the sake of debate that, Obama’s momentum is in part an adverse effect against the “Hill.” If this is true in part, then if Hillary loses the nomination, Obama’s momentum could begin to really fade…
Without having to apply force or fuel to his campaign, how then would he move forward with the force necessary to beat John McCain in the general election?

Simply said, “Obama’s force has yet to be seen, but Hillary is throttling in every venue.”
The math does not lie…
With no momentum what is Obama’s fuel force???

You know me, connecting the dots…
Got to keep it interesting…

“The Science Of Mementum!”

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