Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Does "Ms BO" know???"

“Ms BO” might have a thang with “Ms O,” But she seems to have no deal for “Hill or Bill…”

This stuff just keeps getting gooder and gooder…
Let’s get right at it…

While in a culturally conscious conversation it was brought to me attention that “Ms BO” could very well be a stumbling block for “Ms Hill” becoming number two…
Ooooooh Nooooo!!!
Don’t say it is soooooo!!!
Well I would not bet the farm on it but as betting goes the odds are looking good… For me it has been “Mr. Hill” I thought had the problem, but “Mr. Hill” stepped up to the bat and tipped his hat… So of course, the Obama camp gets the tag… Now we know that “Ms BO” might have a thang with “Ms O,” But Ms BO seems to have no deal for “Hill or Bill…”

Like I said, “I would not bet the farm on it but the odd do look good… Let me expound… First of all, Out of the foursome, “Ms BO” is the only one that has not step up to the bat and let her position be known… Hat or no hat, “Ms BO” must be conscious to the fact that culturally she is the most influential black woman in the world…

So now, the odds are getting better by the minute… The other thing is “Ms BO” by her nature as a black woman, and believe me I know “Black Women,” has a long memory… Black women don’t forget quickly… They will smile with you, carry on conversation with a smile, but (and boy is this is a big black but in the room) when the time is right, she will tell you how some eons before you said, “………” Man you be totally forgotten about it, in your mind it is all over, but (there’s that big black but again) she (black woman) will bring it back to your memory… Yes, the odd are getting better and better… Oh wow, I am reaching for my Benjamins already…
Last but (Yeap big black but) certainly not least, it is “a woman thang…” Yes, I said it… Culturally for eons women just have not been able to get along… Now I am not saying that they won’t work together but (another big and I mean big black but in the room) they will use everything in their arsenal to take the top position… The Alpha female if you will… Oh yeah “BO” might know something about “politics but (Yeap another big one in the room) “BO” better know something about “the nature of women…” Where is “Van Zandt” when you need her??? Oh Yes, oh yes, I have got to get me a piece of this action… I can hear
“Ms G” right now and it ain’t pretty…

Ain’t this some exciting stuff or what???

Now why don’t you just “Run and tell that!!!” LOL!!!

"Does "Ms BO" know???"