Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Round 7: A Bit of Heaven and Hell!"


Round 7, who would have thought it would have lasted this long.
But this has got to be what Dr. King was talking about...
Here we have two Democratic contenders, one while and female; and the other black and male. Both fighting on equal turf for the "Tittle" of "World Leader!"

I hope Hillary wears her signature yellow and Obama his Dark Suite. This is going to be the best debate ever... Ladies and gentlemen, this is history being made right in front of our eyes. Some one said the other day, that it would not be good if this contest goes all the way to the Convention.

I beg the differ.

This is academia's dream... To have a living classroom where the students can observe and be actively involved in the political environment of the day. Politics is "CooL" again. Wow!!! That a newbie!!!
A new generation is being empower to take wing and fly. The old heads (as Baisden can say) are being forced to stop and listen. This "0" Kids generation is awake, alert, and ready for service...
This is exciting stuff...

It is a "Culture Revival!" Where the Past, Present, and Future all come together to breath new life into our "Cultural Consciousness" as a people... This Political process is a reality show's worst nightmare. "0" Kids are turning off their ipods, video games, and cell phones (actually, that might be a stretch.) :)
Either way, this is good stuff...

This next debate is going to be the most ferrous debate in decades.
You have "Give'em Hell Hillary!" vs "I believe I can Fly Obama!" After it is all over, he will probably wish he could, right off the stage. I am sure Hillary is cocked and fully loaded. Just think about it. Since the last debate, she has lost shamefully in every part of the country. Bill has gotten a bad rap for something he said in SC which has rendered him practically useless to her campaign. Chelsea has been smeared and push around by the over-reaching press. And now, Obama has all but sealed the deal with John Edwards for all his support.

Oh, it is going to be "High Anxiety Thursday"up there!!! I hope Wolf has his "Flak Jacket" from Iraq handy. He will probably need it starting immediately after the "Introduction..."

This is what Dr. King's dream was about. When two people that are different in every way (race, gender, age, class, statue) can come together in a ferrous debate and not be judged by any of these physical descriptions, but strictly on merit... Now this a dream and many years of work coming to fruition! These debates must go on until we have an undeputed winner... It is a great service to the American people. Huckabee is right, people deserve and should demand choice. Also as long as these debates continue, every one benefits. The candidates get stronger, battle tested, and fit; not to mention bruised, bloodied, and scorned...

And of course us, the spectators. We get to spend an evening with loved ones, family, and friends cheering on our favorite candidate in an holsome and humble way.
Yea, right!!!
If you think it is heated in the ring, you shouold show up at some of these debate parties... Folks be throwing stuff, calling names (nice names of course), and leave mad. Some couple can barely drive home together, much less sleep in the same room... And don't let it be two co-workers on different sides, it spills over to work the next day...
Check this out, the one who is for Obama will make sure her "Yes we can" ringtone goes off at least a thousand time during the day... Home girl be callling herself just to get under Hillary's supporters skin... Oh but don't think the Hillary supporter aint ready... Homeboy goes out to the corner ringtone shop and get's "Give'em Hell Hillary" ringtone programmed into his phone... Oh you know it's on then... You know me, got to keep it interesting.

But some of these debate parties are "off the chain..." Now it's a shame that there will not be any $1000.00 ringside seats available to be scalped at $3000.00 each... But that only means no one can tell you to sit down or shut-up, or not applaud in your own family room with the big flat screen TV... :) And if they do you can put them out or knock them out or , you get my point...

But most importantly, we as a nation get to choose from the best of the best to lead us into a brighter future. Obama has done exploits as a newcomer on the National scene. He has not taken votes from anyone. He has energized a whole new group of voters to get involved. To stand-up and be counted... To let their voices be heard... One by one they have started what appears to becoming a movement... Time and action will tell but they are certainly on their way...

Now Hillary, has had to rethink the political process all together... Even rewrite lots of it to be able to navigate the swift moving currents of this campaign... Some very costly lessons for a "Sixties Kid" to have to relearn, but she has; and as my mother can say, she has gotten a "toe-grip." Now she is poised for a "come back..." And what a come back it will be... She has had to re-energize the base of the party... Kick some, revive some with oxygen, and prop some up but it seems they have finally realized this is not a 100 yard sprint but a marathon... (If you are in Obama's camp you say, "this is not a wave, but a TSunami.)

Either way, "Ground Zero" on thursday night will be "Live" in Austin Texas... The hottest spot on the planet... There will not be any rules, just ferrous debate...
And history will be made right in front of our eyes...

This time around, I'd be surprized if their podiums are not miles apart from each other. And no glass bottles allowed... And all in attendance will be searched for contraband that might be passed on to their candidate... You know like "M&Ms" or "Gummy Bears." These are great "Attention Getters" if you know what I mean... :)

No but seriously, a spirited debates is good for the Political Process... This is why we are called a "Democracy!" We can come together and aire our differences, arguments and disagreements in a civil democratic way. And at the end of the day still be civil...
And win, lose, or draw; we get back up the next day, mend to our wounds, put on our battle gear, and get back into the frey...
Oh, the beauty of it all...

So Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and all our dear friends (a John McCain standard), as "Jakes" use to say, "Get Ready, Get Ready, Get, Get, Get, Ready.... It's goig to be on - on CNN - "Thursday Night Live" from Austin Tx...
I hope they have the DVDs on sell in the back after the service...
Oh, this ain't church...
My Bad!!!
It's a good thing this debate is not being held on wednesday night... A lot of churches would be empty...

All I can say is "Fried chicken, corn bread, collard greens; Somebody, please pass those Black-eyed-peas!!!"

Round Seven: A Bit of Heaven and Hell!!!
Be There are be square!!!

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