Monday, December 10, 2007

Oprah, in prison garments???

Can you imagine Oprah in prison garments?
The headlines would read, "Oprah wait to hear her fate from the Judge..." The people would be divided... Some speaking in her defense and some speaking her disdain... The papers would fly off the shelf, the Internet would be a buzz, and the cell phones would be one constant hummm...
Isn't this an unbelievable thought??? Well, it was until Oprah stood up! People have asked on the Michael Baisden Show, where is Oprah??? When is she going to say something??? So now Oprah has took sides and stood up... She did not have too, but she did... So now she is subject to attack like everyone else who stand up for equal justice... She is no longer one of the "untouchables..." And now there is no turning back for her... For standing up, she has lost some so-called friends... She has move from the "A" list in some circles to the "N" list... To some, she is just another "N" we made rich...

This might sound unreal but "get real" because it is the real deal... Life for her will never be the same again...
But there are those like those who tune into the "Badboy" radio show who are elated that she has finally come out... She is a powerful voice that can get her words heard around the world...

You may be asking yourself, how can I say something like this? Dah, just look at the headlines... It does not matter how many white guys shoot up malls and churches and schools around this country, they are still portraying the "Black male" as a criminal... Ask Rep. Danny Davis-IL, who was stopped for driving black... They are aggressively attacking us all across this great land... This is a new move by the racist bigots who hates everything that is not white... And no one is exempt even the "Ms O!!!"

Well Oprah, please allow me to be the first to welcome you to the real world where money will not exempt you. Where standing up can get you knocked down... Where you are constantly being watched and attacked... They start checking every aspect of your life; i.e. taxes, browsing habits, who you hang with (and they will tell your secrets) and every word that comes out of your month to name a few...
Oh, and not to forget your personal relationships...

And like it has happened to me even yesterday, as I drove on I-20 from TX into LA, a prison truck nearly cause me to wreck. When I stop at the DOT scales (I was in a big truck) to file a complaint, the tables were turned to make it seem that I had a problem and should not be so agitated. The officer said, "what do you expect from prisoner? They are stupid!" That is well and good, except if I had wrecked then I would have been held to the fullest letter of the law... Prisoners don't set their schedule, so someone else was pulling those strings...

So, Oprah, take it from me, a black man who stand-up for Justice and total equality...

Thank you for picking up the Torch...

For you are a Believer!!!
By: J. Angus John

Will you carry the Torch?
Will you carry it on,
The torch of life and liberty,
You must be forewarned...
For the road is hard and the way is rough,
it is not for the weary or the weak at heart!
But if you are tough enough,
To except the rejection and the ridicule,
if you can withstand the name calling,
Being treated like a criminal or even a fool,
If you posses the intestinal fortitude to overcome the hardships
that befall all who dare to Trod...
Then come along with me,
For there is plenty of room for your courageous tenacity,
for your fresh pure convictions and your unwavering desire,
To march fearlessly, and boldly into the line of fire,
for you are a True Believer...