Sunday, February 3, 2008

"BO" got "Big Mo" with "Ms O!", But, "Hill" got "Bill" whata "Deal!"

*****Super Tuesday******
Yes, more exciting than the superbowl...
And now all the gloves are off...
Every side has their "Big Hitters" in full effect...

"BO" Got "Big Mo" with "Ms O!" But "Hill" Got "Bill" whata "Deal!"

Let's start with Barack Obama...
Barack Obama (BO) got Big Momentum (Mo) with Ms Oprah (Ms O) this weekend in Cali...
The surprise guest was Maria Schwarzenegger... (Isn't her husband a pretty "Bigggg Republican????")
Now I see why everybody is referring to him as attractive...
It seems that women are caught up in his looks... Maybe even in his manhood...
The majority of the attendants were female.
It is certainly a woman thing...
I kept waiting to hear "I'm every woman" playing in the background.
Maria said that BO as president would stand up for women rights.
I thought that the best person to stand up for women rights would be Hillary.
I wonder why I would think that...
Maybe because Hillary and women have something in common...
Maria went as far as saying, think of a moment in your life. Like of all things, when you had a baby...
She was saying that this was this kind of moment...
So why are they supporting BO...
If anyone should understand having a baby it would be Hillary...
Not BO!!!
What was that all about...
Of course, "Ms O," was in her black mode. It reminded me of Halle Barry's line in the movie "Queen" when she said, "I's negra too!"
Maria said,
"So goes Obama, So goes California!"
I say, "So goes "BO", So goes "Ms O!!!""
So BO better be on that ticket somewhere or "Ms O's" "slip" will be showing...
The only person on the stage that did not look out of place was "Mrs BO..."
She was dressed nice and comfortable...
He had on her (for real) beautiful smile...
And she, as her husband, spoke eloquently...

Now Hillary (Hill) got Bill (being himself) whata Deal baby...
With Hillary, let's go back to the debate on thursday. Hillary stood head and shoulder over Obama on all the issues...
She talks with conviction about every cause from the war to the economy to human rights... And even tho she has Bill to help make the deal, she does not need Bill to be the real deal...
And as she said,(which I think she got from my post) "it took one Cllinton to clean up after the first Bush, it will take another Clinton to clean up after the second Bush!!!"
Hillary also gave Obama a pass on his indorcement by Sen. Ted Kennedy who made ludicris statements like JFK started the "Civil Rights movement...
The audacity of the man...
Then you have Tucker of all people defend Obama against Hillary...
This lets me know that the Consevatives are more wearied about Hillary than Obama!!!
I wonder why???
And their worst fear is that Hillary and Obama will create "a dream ticket" (which is an idea who's time has come).

Who knows maybe that will be "Ms O's" role...
One never knows, does one...

You know I like to keep it interesting...
Well what a knock down, drag out match-up this would be if we had,
"Hillary and Obama dream team!" Vs "McCain and Huckabee Dream team!"

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