Thursday, July 3, 2008

"The Second Horses in the Race..."

Ain’t this some really exciting stuff…
“Do you???”“

Do you feel me???”
“Do you feel like I do???”
“Let me hear you say,
“Yes, yes, yes we can!!!”"

So “Ms O” must be checking that “Slip” again… Yes “BO” ran well in the “Primes” but (big but in the room) it’s the “Genrals” now… In the “Primes,” it was all about the individual… But (and here is that audacious but again) In the “Genrals” it is about the “second horses in the race…”

Wow…This is some really exciting stuff…

If “BO’s” second horse is “Ms Hill” then it’s off to the races… But (and here is another big but in the room) if “J-Mc’s” second horse is “Ms Condi” then this is a serious horse race indeed… Wow and what a race it is going to be… YOU see, culturally, the conscious realize it is “the second horses in the race” (Genrals) that will determine who wins the presidency…Yes, the bookies are having a field day…
And the odds will go through the roof…

First of all, the biggest bet on the board now is whether or not “BO” will choose “Ms Hill” as his “Veep!” The stakes are high and his decision must be calculated… With “Ms Hill”, the Dems have a perfect ticket that really drives the stakes up for several reasons… One is that not only will history be made because “BO” would be the first black “Potential President” (PP) but “Ms Hill” will be the very first female “Potential Vice President” (PVP)…And secondly, the Dems will demonstrate the purest form of unity that the political process has ever seen in our political history…

This is some pretty awesome stuff…

Now the second biggest bet is whether “J-Mc’s” second horse will be “Mc Condi?” The bookies will go crazy with glee… Not only would the wild card change to a bigger ticket but the excitement around the stakes would go through the roof… And then ladies and gentlemen, this race changes colors and all roles are totally reversed… The second horses in this race will become the primary determining factors to the race outcome and the driving force of the odds…
Wow…Ain’t this some exciting stuff…

So the genrals all boil down to “the second horses in the race…” The odds go up expeditiously with the second black and white horse in the race… Wow, can you see that graphic - Black male/white female vs White male/black female… Yes the bookies are going crazy…
What are the odds that we will ever see this happen???

Really Great…

And not only are the bookies going crazy, the media frenzy around it would be buzzing like a swarm of bees… The primary news networks would be pushing for the “Veep debates…” Wow, can you imagine what these debates would be like??? No more “kitchen sink” being thrown but the phrase “horse manure” comes to mind… And most importantly this race will be good for the country… A nation that is really in a transitional period where cultures and positions and economics are all in major need of being revamped, it is time for the female perspective… I believe the “Veep debates” would speak volumes of where we are headed politically and what the “zero kidds” generation will record on their video phones…

Ain’t this some exciting stuff…

Now you know I like to keep it exciting… So if “Ms Hill” is the second horse in the Dems ticket then what about “Mr Hill???”

Wow, “Mr Hill!!!”

Check it,
I believe this is what is really bothering “Bill” in the first place, being diminished to “Mr Hill!!!” You know he has a legacy to protect or at least to maintain…So what happens to “Bill???”
Bill should get a grip…
Use your right hand... LOL
He is the very last horse in this race…Dah!!!

Maybe he should take a line from “Ms BO” playbook, be supportive…
I know it is tough for “Bill” to take “the last horse in the race” position but “it is what it is…” Or “Mr Hill” can keep going through the many different mood swings of PMS (Power, Money, and Sex)…

Hey this could be a pretty good bet, bringing some very good odds…
Let see, will “Bill” keep it together or will “Mr Hill” fall off the very last horse in the race???

This is some pretty exciting stuff…

“Do you feel me???”
“Do you???”
“Do you feel like I do???” (Come on Peter and WIll-I-Am… Do this thing…)
“Let me hear you say,“Yes, yes, yes we can!!!”"

“The second horses in the race…”

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