Saturday, March 22, 2008

"The Audacity of the "House Niggers!!!""

As I listened to several different viewpoints of Obama’s Historical speech, I realized it was time to address this issue head-on… Let me say, I am not speaking for all African Americans… I am speaking as one who believes that “we as a culture” have to take a hard look at ourselves sometime…
And if the shoe fits, well then…
If not pass it by… Be honest!!!

Let’s start by saying that Obama’s Pastor had the right to say everything he said… That’s why we call this America… This is the only nation on the planet where one can speak their mind without threat of being put in jail…
It’s called the “First Amendment…”

Also for the simple fact that the Pastor is ex-military, has a certain amount of frustration from the spill over of the thoughts of his comrades in harms way now… It is almost impossible for ones who has put on the uniform to not feel the pains and frustrations of the soldiers in harms way…
Soldier PTSD is for real…
And if you have not been there, you don’t have a clue as to what I am speaking of…
But that’s another post…

Another point about Obama’s Pastor is that spoke his words from the pulpit… Men called of God are tools of God…
The Lord works in misterious ways…
No-one can deny that if God had not worked in this way, Senator Barack Obama would not have made this historical speech…

So now we are here at this point in time where history has already recorded this “call to order.” We the people of the United States of American to deal with our race issues must openly and honestly deal with them head on… We cannot and need not turn back the hands of time…
The call has already gone out…

“So let’s have at it…

“Yes, what “Jack Nicholson” said (Costella) about “niggers” in the movie “The Departed” is a very powerful statement……
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“That’s what niggers don’t realize. If I got one thing against the black chaps it’s this. No one gives it to you. You have to take it.”

Again I have to say that this is a powerful statement… It is blunt and direct and hard to swallow, but a powerful statement yet the same… I was reminded of this statement while listening to hardball with Chris… One of his guest was “Pat Buchannon!” Every body know Pat, who is a regular on that show… As I listened to the remarks of these two white men, I realized that they can only effectively deal with issues in their communities… It is up to black people to deal with issues in our communities… It was refreshing to hear them talk with such open candor, but (yes, the great big but in the room.) they were talking about their community…
What about my community???
What about people that look like me???

Well, this train of thought caused me to reminisce on the challenges I have had getting anything done in my community… These guys where talking about how this part of their community works and that part of their community works… I am thinking to myself, I can’t even get my Representative to call me back… This is what is wrong with my community…

So Obama was right when he said that we can’t make the mistake(s) of his Pastor… And one of those very significant mistakes is to point a finger at the other side of the house when our side ain’t in order…


So when I look back over the last forty years, I see countless situations where “The Audacity of the “House Niggers”" have failed our own community…

Ok, if it’s about race issues then the critique starts at home first…

So let’ have at it…

What do I mean by “House Niggers???” Well as most of us know that during the time of slavery there were the “field niggers” who worked in the fields and the “house niggers” who worked in the master’s house… The field nigger was guaranteed to stay dirty, cold, and hot with lots of hard labor from sun up to sun down… The house nigger was guaranteed a lot better lifestyle with all the benefits of cleanliness, warmth, and plenty to eat… The differences between the two lifestyles were drastic… The field nigger often times carried resentment to the house nigger… A great depiction of this fact was very obvious in the Haley Barry character in the movie, “Queen!” In the movie, Haley played the part of a house nigger who found herself among the field niggers when the “Civil War” ended slavery which made her an out cast… Haley’s character uttered the line,
“I’s nigra too,” to make the point of how the field niggers felt about the house niggers…

Now we have black members of the House of Representative on the state and federal level who are “House Niggers!” They are voted in by the field niggers who work hard everyday to make ends meet… The field niggers expect the “House Niggers” to be graceous to them and help them in any way they can… But instead it seems that for the most part the “House Niggers” totally forget the field niggers until it is time to be voted in again…

Let me speak plainly… What Pat said on Hardball in essence was, “I don’t want to hear about how bad the blacks have had it in this country for the last forty years. We have given them “House Niggers” to address their needs…”
And guess what, I hate to say it but (yes, the big Black But in the room) Pat is right…”

If black folks have an argument about anything, we must first look within to see where the problem is… How is it that we have had all these superstar athletes, movies stars, singers, and lawyers; all “House Niggers,” and we are still blaming the other side of the house for our problems…
The other side of the house says, “what about all these superstars (House Niggers) your communities have???
Why aren’t they taking care of you???
Good question, “Why aren’t they???”

The line in the movie “Departed” says that the other side of the house thinks we are stupid if we don’t take care of our own…
And they are right…
I have a non-profit… I am sure several black folk have non-profits as well, but (yes, again the big Fat Black But in the Room!) we can’t get these superstars to contribute money to our non-profits to help us help our communities… Who’s the blame, the other side of the house???
I don’t think so…

The blame is “the Audacity of the “House Niggers”" to forget the field niggers until they need us…
What is that about???
Remember we are talking race here…
Obama gave us the permission…
So let’s have at it…

I will give you a prime example of a “House Nigger” failing the field niggers…
The Jena 6 case…
I can hear you now saying, “I knew he was going there…”
You have got that right and I hope you feel the sting…
Young mens lives are ruined because a “House Nigger” by the name of Donald Washington - Federal Attorney of Louisiana, who was appointed by President Bush failed the “field niggers” when they needed him most… I believe most of you know the story how this one “House Nigger” had the responsibility to make a case that what was going on in Jena was a hate crime and the feds should have stepped in but (yes, ladies and gentlemen here is the Big fat BUt in the room) the “House Nigger” did nothing…

What was that about???
Can we blame the other side of the house because the “House Nigger” did not do anything???
I dare say not…
Look at the Duke 3 case…
Every white man with power to do something to help them guys win that case jumped in and did… From the state to the feds and through-out the system…
And we want to cry “racism!”
No! No! No!

Maybe we should do as another “House Nigger” who has not forgotten her position to the field niggers did when she addressed Donald Washington:

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee criticized Washington for not getting involved in the case by saying “I want you to tell me why you, the first black [Western District of Louisiana] U.S. district attorney, did not do more, and I want to know what you’re going to do to get Mychal Bell out of jail!”

It is the “House Niggers” we as a people must first get straight and let them know that we are no longer going to put up with less than the best from them…
Not this time!!!
Time is up for no representation…
Time is up for less incorporation…
Time is up for not being heard…
The field niggers have a mouthpiece, it is the “House Niggers…”
And when the “House Niggers” don’t speak for us then we can’t blame the other side of the house…
Oh no!!!
Not this time…
No baby, we are coming to you, “House Niggers!!!”

We are going to ask you the question, like Comgress woman Jackson asked, “I want you to tell me, “Why???”

Not this time…
It is not going to take another Jena for us to get meaner toward “The Audacity of the “House Niggers!!!”"
Not this time…
We are not going to sit still and say nothing when “Jack and Pat” can’t believe we are lashing out at a government who has given us the same opportunities to take what we need to be successful for forty years… They are saying, “you have the “House Niggers!!!” What are they doing???

If this sounds like a call to action…
Then so be it!!!
We get angry at “Bill Cosby” when he simply tells us the truth because we don’t want to hear it from a black man… But the fact still remains, “who are we going to blame???”
If we let the “House Niggers” not take care of the field niggers, who then are we to blame???
And even “House Niggers” don’t take care of other “House Niggers!”
Look at Rep. Cynthia Mckinney!
When she had the run in with the Capital Guards, she was cast out… She was thrown back in the field… This is a lesson for those who get to be a “House Nigger.” There is always the field…
But (yes, there is that big fat But again) if the “House Niggers” had stood up together, maybe a reprimand…???

Let me go lateral here for a minute…
I know so many women that would cut your arm off if you grab them… What Rep. Mckinney did was a “cultural response” to someone touching her that is built into her blackness… She could not resist the urge to “forcefully pull away” because it is apart of her “Cultural DNA Self Defense Mechanism!”
And every black woman I know have it…
Rep. Mckinney is the type of “House Nigger” that will not take back and not take down… But (yes again…Big Fat Black But in the room!) like “Bill Cosby,” who may I say has done his part and more to give back to the Black community, we throw them back to the field…

So you see as a people of color, we need to be more accountable to ourselves, our neighborhoods, and our country… I am not saying that a lot of us have not, but (and here we go again with this Big Fat Black But in the room!) if the shoe fits, put it on and change…

Obama openned the door… It is up to us to keep this door of dialogue open and move on through it to our next door of self improvement…
I have used the “House Nigger” metaphor to get your attention and to make a very serious point… I hope I have done just that…
If you are affended about this use of words, you should not be… “House Niggers” were apart of our not so distant “Cultural Past…” One that is not that far removed from us even today…

As of recent days, I have heard several commentators from the other side of the house make comments about hearing their ancestry use the “N” word on occaisons…
This was a direct result of Obama’s speech…
I hope to hear more dialogue from both sides of the house for all of us to find common ground and most importantly to heal our lands… 2 Chronicles 7:14

I hope this writing properly let the “House Niggers” realize that the field niggers are dependent on you to be there for us… I have been trying to get my House of Representative call me back for several month about a very serious problem I have, with no response…
I am depending on him to be there for me…
I am sure there are several other field niggers who are having the same problem… We can continue to blame the other side of the house or we can “say it loud, not this time!!!”

“House Niggers call the field niggers back…”

“We are depending on you to be our support…”

“The Audacity of the “House Niggers!!!”"

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