Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Pres. Obama: "LBJ had Canteloupe-sized Balls!!!""

This is some exciting stuff...
Let me start off by saying hats off to TJMS - The Roland Martin segment... I could not pull myself away from the radio this morning as "Roland" did what he does best - "Preach-da-Politics!!!" It was a historical short dialogue that I hope is released as a "wake-up" call to all of US(A)... I have asked the question, "Who will pick up the torch and answer the call to action to effectively move "Civil Rights" into the 21st century..."
It sound like "Roland" has the conviction to do just that.... Roland answered the call with that awesome "call to action" this morning on the TJMS by urging all of US (A) to say as he has, "Here am I, send me..."
As Sybil so appropriately said at his conclusion, "Let the church say, Amen!!!"
This is some exciting stuff...
Hats off to NBC for balancing out the coverage of African-American competitors in the Vancouver Winter Olympics... I was surprized but (first big - you go girl but in the room) elated to see Little Ms. Cheltzie Lee (16) who is skating for Australian... Little Ms. Lee took full advantage on Tuesday night, showing no nerves to finish the night in 18th spot with a score of 52.16 points - her best ever...
Culturally Speaking, we have seen African-Americans on the ice before but (another big phat you go girl but in the room) with such a warm welcome in the past... I hope the stigma that black people don't ice skate is gone for good now... Ok, I hear you talking... I know she is skating for the Australian team but (big phat she is an African-American but in the room) she is an African-American and Chinese...

This is some good stuff...
Check it...
Pres. Obama, if you looking for an example of a man who followed his moral character and gave us change we are still believing in...

" LBJ had indeed Canteloupe-sized Balls... and the fact that with the stroke of a pen LBJ hopelessly lost his party about half the country -- impolitely put, the former Confederacy -- makes one wonder that all this talk about being a "conservative" may actually hide something much less savory than that quite anodyne word indicates..."

Through-out history Presidents have had to stand on their own convictions, often time alone, to do what they believe to be right... In the following quote you will here from the words of Lady Bird Johnson about how her husband was treated for as the previous writer stated with the stroke of a pen - "Changed America" forever...

"He (LBJ) threw himself into a bold domestic agenda he dubbed the Great Society that included Medicare, a war on poverty, civil rights and the environment..."
"The law, the most sweeping civil rights bill since Reconstruction, outlawed discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in public establishments..."

"As her tour moved farther south into South Carolina, protesters turned more hostile, confronting her with placards deriding her as a "Black Bird" and screaming, "Lyndon Johnson is a Communist, Johnson is a Nigger-lover." At each stop Lady Bird listened to the chants and then asked for people to listen to her..."

This is some really exciting stuff...
So Pres. Obama, we the people of the US(A) expect the same tenacity, conviction, and moral character from you... As with LBJ, many may not understand your positions, but (big phat-canteloupe-size balls but in the room) you need to take a position from the "LBJ" fruit stand... Just as the Southerns who opposed LBJ did back then, so shall these conservative do today, but ( big phat they will get over it but in the room) they will get over it...
Need I say more???
I did not think so...
That is some good stuff...

"Pres. Obama: "LBJ had Canteloupe-sized Balls!!!""

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