Monday, December 15, 2008

"Pulpit Pimps!!!"

It appears that the church has lost it's "salt..."
These Pastors actions give credence to Micheal Baisden's reference to them as "Pulpit Pimps!!!" When I first heard this kind of talk from Baisden, I was appalled... I love Micheal but ( big phat but in the room) I could not get wit him on this until now...

Now I have a real understanding of the "Phrase!!!" One definition of the word "Pimp"

is "to exploit!!!"

I believe this is exactly what these "Pulpit Pimps" are doing...


When we as a people give our tithes and offering every Sunday, we believe that these men and women are there for us... We believe that, as Martin did, these Pastors will at least address what appears to be an injustice in our community... But (big Phat Black Pimp but in the room) to my dismay, this is not true...

"We the people" are left to defend ourselves the best way we can...
Now when "we the people" turn against the church and stop paying our money then these "Pulpit Pimps" will get the picture... It is time out for the "status quo" treatment from the "Pulpit!!!"
We the people are hurting while these "Pulpit Pimps" are sitting back getting fat (I did not say, "Phat!!!") on our hard earn tithes and offerings...

Who do these pastors answer too??? Who knows???
Actually appears to be "no one..." What that about!!!
A friend of mine said that when the national media shows up so will the Pastors... So are they doing what God has ordained them to do... I say, "No!!!" Then why are we treating them as "God's anointed???" That is a good question... There use to be a time when the Pastor visited the sick himself... A time when the Pastor would feed the hungry himself... A time when the Pastor would visit those that are incarcerated them self... Why??? Because that is the great commission supposedly God called them to follow... What happened???

"Who knows???"

I say, "Woe unto the Pastors!!!" Jer. 23:1...

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