Sunday, January 20, 2008

"These Aint the "Sixties!""

These ain't the sixties.
These are the "Zero" years!
No pun intended...
But these ain't the "Sixties".
What causes Bill Clinton to be so brash when His and Hillary's political careers are questioned?
Maybe it's conviction grounded in a firm belief of democracy and the political process.

These ain't the "Sixties".
Bill, Hillary, John, Elizabeth and many others were sixties kids.
Kids that sat-in, marched, prayed and protested to ensure that there would be a future worth living here in the United States of America for all of us.
These ain't the "Sixties".

These are the "Zero" years.

So where are the "Zero" kids?
What are they doing?
What are they going to do?
What are they waiting for to do something?
What kind of future do they expect to have for themselves and their children?
The sixties kid did not buck the establishment they established it.
They got on board and turned the music up.
The twenties kids did not put them off but they knew they were there and
eventually the world began to dance to a different beat.
No it wasn't easy nor is it expected to be, but the "Sixties" kid got on board and made it happen.

So where are the "Zero" kids?

Why haven't they gotten on board?
Why can't we hear their music?
Who will stand for them in the future?
What type of future do they expect to have?
When I was in the military we use to say, "No plan is a plan for failure."
The "Zero" kids must chose their future.
Whether a future planned for success or failure.
Either way, if they don't get on board one is guaranteed.
When will the "Zero" kids realize this?

Or will they continue to live up to the designator of their generation?
These ain't the "Sixties", but these is the "Zero" years.
If the "Sixties" kids got on board to helped the "Twenties" kids change a nation, needless to say the world for the better, then when will the "Zero" Kids do the same?
Or will they?

The "Sixties" kids are waiting!

These ain't the "Sixties"!!!
"These are the "Zero" years!!!"

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