Thursday, December 27, 2007

"Big Girls Don't Cry!!!"

It is a sad thing that happened in Pakistan today...
I am sure Bhutto's death was very sad news for those who knew her personally.
I listened as all the presidential candidates weighed in on the conversation...
Then the news person said, we will hear from Sen. Clinton about her friend, Former Prime Minister Bhutto's tragic death today in Pakistan. I first thought, wow it must be hard to hear that a friend has met such a tragic end and especially a woman.
Then my mind raced back a few days when Hillary was told that one of the candidate's was brought to tears over a comment he had made.
The news person asked Hillary, "what brings you to tears?"
Hillary laughed off the hypo' and moved on...
Today though, I thought, this is not a hypothetical question she is being asked...
This is fore real...
I am going lateral here for a moment, don't weary, I will not forget my thought...

I have seen several men in high positions over the last seven years be moved to tears during a tragic or sad situation. There was a time when you knew that the man was going to be the pillow of strength on the outside in any crisis, even if he was a torn up mess on the inside.
So, in this season where men are breaking down on every hand, what hope was there for a woman to hold it together in the time of crisis?
Especially after receiving the news of a friend being murdered...
Back to my thought!!!
Told you I would not forget it(I put a pin in it...).

So when the film went to Hillary, to my surprise and delight; she was calm, strong, and diplomatic; as she spoke of her friend.
Not a tear in sight...
If at any time I would have given her a pass, that time was today!!!
But Hillary did not need a pass...

"Big girls don't cry!" (to borrow a phrase from a very popular song).

Hillary displayed the integrity, professionalism, and diplomatic calm that is required of one to hold the highest office in the land (not to mention the world).
I believe today was proof positive of how she holds up under pressure...
I believe that she displayed the strength that America needs in a leader to reestablish it's place in the world as world leader...

"Big girls don't cry!!!"
At least if their name is, "Senator Hillary Clinton!!!"

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