Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Lord works in "Mysterious Ways!!!"

The bible says, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free..."
After reading the headlines in the Atlanta Constitution a lot of people are made free. Ok, what am I talking about? The "Earl Paulk" saga.
It was no surprize to me when I heard all the gasp from the "Sudo Christians" around the nation. These are the same people that builds you up and helps to tear you down. But these same people have never read their bible because if anyone should not be surprized about these types of stories around "God's House" it is a bible reader. I use to wonder why would God put this mud in the bible about all these people who had adulterous affairs. I am sure now it was to continue to remind man of who he (man) is. Man is born of sin and lives in sin and is delivered of sin only when his spirit leaves his body. This is why God has to have mercy on man. Man in himself will fail, fail, and fail.
So, here is another man that has failed. So what! Big deal!
So what does God think about the the "Earl Paulk" saga. God would probably say, "Put not your confidence in man for man will fail you, but put your trust in God who will never fail you."
Now lets look at the younger "Earl Paulk."
He is guilt free and now people free. He now realize who God really is. God, is now in clear perspective. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Now, just like King James, who inherited the crown from his Aunt who had earlier executed his own mother, young Paulk has a mission to bring unity and understanding to the 21 century church. He has been given the necessary tools to do what no other Pastor can do. Transform!!!
To be a Transformer one must have the ability to see beyond what is presented and pull out what is meant to be. What the enemy intends for "Harm," God means for good! So like king James I, God had a purpose for allowing this thing to be...
Last but not least, I would not be those who come against these men of God. The bible explicitly warns against touching in any way God's anointed and doing his Prophets harm.

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