Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "The Psychology of Beer!!!""

This is some really exciting stuff...
So the hottest topic on the net right now is the Pres. meeting with the Professor and the Policeman over a Beer... The Pres. calls this a teachable moment... I guess a lot of people are questioning

- "who is doing the teaching???"
Or "what is on the lesson plan???"
Or "who will grade the final test???"
All of this is barley for the critics to chew on for days,but (big phat what's in a beer but in the room) what does it mean for the rest of US(A)???

Culturally Speaking, we as a people have always been willing to sit down and talk out our differences, but (another big fat talk is cheap but in the room) nothing has ever come from it... In these situations where it is obvious to US that we have been wronged over and over again, talk is not an end all... If Dr. King had sat down with the bus company over a beer what would have come of it - they would have labelled him a drunkard... I am afraid this is the only thing that will come out of this little sit - down as well...

Pres. Obama is a true African American and can really relate to both sides... He can refer to his grand father who probably drank bud and then he can relate to his father who probably drank an Ale... Either way, what is the psychology of a beer??? I guess we will have to wait and see...

I will say this,

"the only teacher in this situation is Professor Gates...

This is his "Rosa Parks" moment in the black community... We as a people have suffered at the hand of "the white racist law enforcement officers" throughout our history... It will take more than a "beer" to set this straight, it will take policy... If Professor Gates, "SKIP" this opportunity to stand up for the rest of US(A) who are profiled everyday, he will have let us all down... Most people I have spoken with about this situation, believe that the police officer "Jim Crow-ley" acted inappropriate... There was something else at play here than him just doing his job... Doing his job would have been "determining" who this person was that had entered into this house... Once that was done with the review of the perps identification, his job was over... Professor Gates did not invite or call the law, therefore he did not have to be nice... It is not against any law to be "rude..." If that was the case "Jim Crow-ley" would have to arrest everybody in America because everybody is rude at time... If "Jim Crow-ley" wanted Professor Gates to be entertaining (dance like steppin-fetche) he was "Crowing" up the wrong tree...

If is obvious that Professor Gates was not feeling officer " JIM CROW-ley..."
I wonder why; could it be something to do with his name???
"JIM CROW-ley..."

Professor Gates, has the opportunity to teach several lessons here to all of us...
One - "we have a right to be rude in our own home..."
Two - "If you are not invited in to my home, stay at the door..."
Three - "If you want me to entertain you (Police Officer), Forget it, the days of dancing for your approval are over..."
Four - "Because there are still racist police officers out there, we need policy to give structured guidelines against racial profiling..."
Five - "And finally, Enough is Enough!!! We will not wait for the next policeman to kill another black man in the name of Law Enforcement... You can't drop the charges on a dead man...

This is some exciting stuff...
There is a saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one around to hear it; does it make any noise???"
This situation is the "tree..."
Professor Gates is the only one around to hear it...
Police Officer "Jim Crow-ley" is the man holding the ax...

Did this situation make any Noise???
We were not there, but (big phat a deaf man could hear that but in the room) via the Internet "every African American male" heard it "Loud and Clear" around the world...
This is where the "facts speak for themselves!!!"
It is time now for all of our so-called black leaders to stand-up and make the case for the rest of US(A)...
Check it: There should be some talking going on all over this nation about this systemic problem of "racial profiling..." And more importantly, the conversation - whether over a beer or a cup of coffee should lead to one thing - "Policy change in every police dept in this country..."

"Do you feel me???"
"I am sure you do!!!"
"Let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can!!!""

"Pres. Obama: "The Psychology of Beer!!!""

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of a "Hung Jury!!!"""

This is really exciting stuff...
Now the jury is still out on the Professor Henry Louis Gates vs Jim Crow-ley case... But (yes, big fat too sensitive to be a police officer but in the room) it is obvious to most that Jim Crow-ley is very sensitive... According to one report, Professor Gates could have told Jim Crow-ley to "go F_ _ K himself" and not have broken any laws...

"In contempt of court, you get loud and abusive in a courtroom, and it's against the law," says Shane, now a professor of criminal justice at John Jay who specializes in police policy and practice. "With contempt of cop, you get loud and nasty and show scorn for a law enforcement officer, but a police officer can't go out and lock you up for disorderly conduct because you were disrespectful toward them." The First Amendment allows you to say pretty much anything to the police. "You could tell them to go f--k themselves," says Shane, "and that's fine.",8599,1912777,00.html

It is also obvious from the news conference yesterday that Jim Crow-ley, an 11 year veteran of the Cambridge Police force is Stupid... His own defense was from a legal professional that stated this eleven year veteran did not have full understanding of the legal ramifications of the crime "disorderly conduct" in the field... If anyone works in profession for eleven years and don't have a firm grip of his/her discipline, that person could easily be considered stupid... You can become a brain surgen in eleven years... Dahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Let's look at where supposely Professor Gates was being disorderly??? Let me see the reports says:
"According to the Cambridge police report, Gates exhibited "loud and tumultuous behavior, in a public place" that "caused citizens passing by this location to stop and take notice while appearing surprised and alarmed."

The issue of whether or not Gates — first in his home and later on his front porch — was in a public place has sparked plenty of debate...",8599,1912777,00.html

Now the general public must be very alarmed at the fact that according to Jim Crow-ley your own home is a public place... Technically, you can't be naked in a public place... Opss, we are all breaking the law each time we go to the restroom... Wow... That means that according to Jim Crow-ley an officer can walk into your home uninvited, charge you with disturbing the peace, and drag you off to jail... Oh least we forget, he can make a commotion on your front porch which causes unknown people to rubberneck then use these unknown passer byers against you...

Now that's what I call a badge bearing, gun totting, "Privacy Pirate - to the N- Degree... General Public beware, your rights of privacy, even in your own home, according to Jim Crow-ley has all been wiped away... Oh did I fail to mention that all this comes without a "search warrant..." Hummmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Oh and that's not all, you do not have the right to ask any officer, according to Jim Crow-ley, for their Identification... Now ladies and gentlemen, here is where the jury is not still out... Failure of Sgt Jim Crow-ley to render immediately his identification when asked is illegal... As a public servant it is the right of the citizen to ask and be given this information upon request... I hope this point has not fallen on deaf ears... When the inmates control the jails then there is lawlessness... Therefore just as it is illegal for a citizen to not provide proof of identification to a law enforcement officer the same goes for the officer...

Professor Gates, should sue the Prestigious Cambridge Police dept for False detainment, harassment, pain and suffering... If Professor Gates does not follow thru with a law suit against this rogue-filled police dept, he is letting all the rest of us law abiding citizen down... Without check and balances Police officers will walk right into our homes, shoot us down, handcuff us, call for back up, then charge us with disorderly conduct as we lay there bleeding to death on the floor...

The jury may be hung for now, but (big we aint stupid but in the room) eventually it is going to become very clear that if this matter is not properly addressed and the prestigious policeman Jim Crow-ley is not harshly reprimanded he will set the precedent that all of our homes are public places and our constitutional right of privacy is forever gone... I can see lawyers using this precedent to get police officers off on countless cases where an officer say he use the Jim Crow-ley judgement rule to enter a woman's house - who just happened to be in the tub... Oh, let not forget that said officer will pull her out of the tub, handcuff her, and charge her with disorderly conduct in her own home...

The Jim Crow-ley rule is one we can live without...
"Do you feel me..."
"I know you do!!!"
"Let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can!!!"

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of a "Hung Jury!!!"""

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "What does "yo mama" have to do with "Bad Breath???""

This is some exciting stuff...
The Professor Henry Louis Gates saga continues and getting stranger everyday... Now we have the arresting officer saying:

"Crowley confronted Gates in his home after a woman passing by summoned police for a possible burglary. The sergeant said he arrested Gates after the scholar repeatedly accused him of racism and made derogatory remarks about his mother, allegations the professor challenges. Gates has labeled Crowley a "rogue cop," demanded an apology and said he may sue the police department."

I guess Professor Gates should have brushed his teeth before addressing Officer Crowley... You know "bad breath" can be very offensive??? As a former police officer myself, I have had to deal with "bad breath" in the past... I didn't quite have the same reaction as officer Crowley did, but (first big gingivitis but in the room) I guess I never faced "bad breath" from a guy in his own house... I can see how this could be very disrespectful... Officer Crowley probably figured Professor Gates could have at least gone to his own restroom, pulled out his own mouth wash, and took a gurgle... I mean that is the least a man could do in his own house before talking to a civil servant (Police Officer Crowley)...

And the lady that call the Police in the first place should have warned them that Professor Crowley has a habit of talking to you with "bad breath..." I mean, my God, I am sure she at least talked with her neighbor who uses a cane at least once... And how is it, an 11 year veteran of the police dept did not have a clue as to whom Professor Gates was... And they say that there is no racism in that neck of the woods...

What, is it a prominent black man in Cambridge "just another "Nigger" with a PHD???"

I wonder what would have happened if it had been the other way around???
Crowley was black and Gates was white???
I can tell you, "the black would have been fired" and the bad breath remarks would not have mattered..."
I can hear it now,

"How dare you arrest a prominent member of our community over "bad breath..." Black man, have you lost your mind???"

I am sure that the white Cambridge elite would have said, how "Preposterous..."
But (great big I don't like the way your "breath" smells but in the room) we know that isn't what happened... The white prominent Cambridge elite did not come out in the defense of Professor Gates... I have always heard that "silence is concent..." Hummmmmmm!!!
I guess if Pres. Obama had used a different word to describe his thoughts of the matter he would have come accross differently, but (big opps he is a black man but in the room ) he said what he felt... I believe that if most people, black or white really think about this, then they would all agree; Professor Gates should have never been arrested for having "bad breath" especially in his own home...
"I know you do..."

The bigger picture here is that this is a direct reflection of the huge "Cultural Divide" that exist in this country... We are at the Apex of a new United States of America and everyone is trying to paint their own version of how they see it... "

"So how do we fix this???"

"Communication, communication, communication!!!
We must talk to each other...
I stopped to get some gas on the way home and spoke to a white guy in general about the price of gasoline... He looked as if I had "bad breath," so I did the quick check because I wasn't at home... I don't think I had "bad breath" but (big phat he act that way but in the room) he certainly had that, "why are you talking to me" look on his face... Now you guys know me, I kept talking to this guy until he responded with a "yo mama!!!" I am from the "hood" so I responded "yo grand mama!!!"
Thank God Professor Gates wasn't there, he would have gotten arrested for having "bad breath" at a gas station...
LOL, Just kidding!!!

Either way, I said to myself, "self we need some "honest dialogue about race" in this country and it has to start with those we intrust "to protect us..."" And we see now that this is more needed than ever before in the Police departments around the country...
The first thing we must do is teach them how to read their own job description:

"The job of a police officer is demanding and challenging, and requires more than just the ability to fire a weapon and chase down suspects.

Besides the physical skills needed to be an effective officer, police officers need diplomacy, ethics, self discipline, and a good amount of human compassion. Their job involves assisting those in need, negotiating arguments and exercising patience more than it involves engaging in physical conflicts, so it takes a well-balanced person to effectively hold a police officer’s job."

It seems to me the sentence: "Their job involves assisting those in need, negotiating arguments and exercising patience more than it involves engaging in physical conflicts, so it takes a well-balanced person to effectively hold a police officer's job" is key...
I guess Officer Crowley didn't read that part... What Police Officer's must realize is that it is the law abiding citizens that give them their power, not the other way around... As a police officer, you must be able to smile through the "bad breath!!!"

Now, if Officer Crowley is truly a civil servant, then he realizes that he has not served the public very well with this felonious arrest... It looks like he abused his authority to try to make a 58 year old black man, "BOY" in his own home... Well officer CrowLey, the days of "the "White master" telling "Toby" to shut-up in his own home" are over... That's degrading and no man should have to put up with it...
"Officer Jim Crow-ley was not invited in by Professor Gates, there wasn't any crime being commited, therefore he was out of order..." And besides, when are words the grounds for an arrest even if the perp has "bad breath!!!"

"DO you feel me???"
"I know you do..."
"Let me hear you say, "yes, yes, yes we can!!!""

"If Harvard truly stands behind one of their most respected Professors then they should do to "Jim Crow - ley" what the elites at Duke did to the "Durham DA" in the Duke 3 case - "get him terminated..." In the "Duke 3" case those guys were drunk and unruly, but (big fat they were white drunk and unruly rich guys in the room) they still got off...
Now you know they had to have had some serious "bad breath!!!"

"Let's all take a deep breath..."
"Let's take a step back for a moment..."
"Now let's all say in one voice, "JIM CROW - ley must go!!!"
"It is for the common good..."
"Next time "Jim Crow - ley might kill "yo mama or yo grand mama" for having bad breath..."

OK, enough...
I am out...

Oh, before I go, let me say,
"Roland make sure you keep your mouth closed around "Lou" because you are sure to get arrest for having "bad breath..."
The 9-1-1 call would go something like this; "This is Lou down at the show... There is a loud black guy down here with "bad breath" trying to break into the show... Yes, sir Mr. Lou, we will be right down..." The headlines would read the next day, "Roland goes to jail with tooth brush in hand for trying to break into his own show and screaming at Lou "yo mama..."

"Big smiles!!!"

"Pres. Obama: "What does "yo mama" have to do with "Bad Breath???""

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of "the Signifying Monkey!!!"""

This is some really exciting stuff...
As many of you have already heard the story of Professor Henry Louis Gates arrest by a Cambridge police officer... Culturally Speaking, we as a people have come a long way but (big phat signifying but in the room) for the black man, we have a long way to go yet...
Professor Gates told the Ap:

"This isn't about me; this is about the vulnerability of black men in America," Gates said.

He said the incident made him realize how vulnerable poor people and minorities are "to capricious forces like a rogue policeman, and this man clearly was a rogue policeman..."

I am sorry to say, but (a big phat capricious but in the room) this incident it is a paramont moment for the black man in America... For many of us, this type of behavior goes on everyday... It took a high profile "Black man" being treated like "all the rest of us" before it become a national news issue... Yes, it took this incident for all the fortunate hard working prosperous successful black men to come the "Realization" that regardless to how high you climb, "you still be a black man!!!"

I am having a "it's about time moment!!!"
The irony here is that we have a black President, a black governer, and a black mayor yet this kind of stuff still goes on... Dahhhhhhhhh!!!
"What is that about???"
Now I hope Professor Gates does not allow this issue to die without addressing it fully... We as a people are constantly degraded, accused, misused, profiled and the like without cause and when one of us with some clout get the opportunity to speak up; generally we don't... Now it is time for Professor Gates "to do the Right thing," stand up for the brothas...
Culturally speaking, if Rosa Parks had not sat down, Dr. King could not have stood up... Sometimes it takes something like this for something to happen...

This is also ironic that this incident comes on the heels of CNN's Soledad O'brien "Black in America 2." The first B-N-A was so negative and sterotypical it was degrading to US(A) as a people... I hope this time Soledad get's it right... If she really wants to make it right, she should request a one -on -one with Professor Gates... She could start a dialogue of the injustices we suffer on a daily basis... No one has to look far to find stories of "the Gates saga" in cities around the country... In my post, "the many faces of Fayetteville NC," a young African American honor roll student was shoot in the back for walking black in his own community... The sad part of this story is that you can't drop the charges on a dead man... Professor Gates should think about that... We have had a spree of shooting by the Police that have gone unanswered by our so-called black leaders... Maybe now that the Police have taken the gloves off and are targetting them too, they ( black leaders) will stand up and speak up...

In my post, "The Audacity of the House Niggers," I address the issue of our "do nothing" favored... It seems that when we as a people reach a certain level in society, we forget from where we came... This is a grave misfortune for all of US(A)... It is time for the "Professor Gates's" in our community to stand up for those of us that can't draw the national attention as they can and "do the right thing!!!"

"Do you feel me???"
"I know you do..."
"Let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can!!!""


This is some really exciting stuff...
As a "Culturally Conscious African American Male" this is not just another new story... This is a life matter... A matter of life and death for "black men" everywhere...
"Professor Gates, black men around the nation are depending on you to shine a bright like on this matter for all of our sakes..."

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of the "Signifying Monkey!!!"""

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "The audacity of Privacy Pirates!!!""


This stuff gets more and more exciting everyday... I have several points that I want to address today so let's get right at it...

First of all, Pres. Obama should stay on health care reform until he "get it done..." He has the best adviser one could have on his team in the person of Hillary Clinton. As first lady, she championed the most wide swiping reform bill this country has ever seen... Health care reform is a bill whose time has come... It is time-out for any more excuses... All that is left is for the President to give the American people a bill they can live with or to die for; if you will, pardon the pun???
Enough said on that...
"Do you feel me???"
"Then let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can..."

This is some exciting stuff...

Seconly, there is a very familiar scripture in the bible that says: "Psalms 24-9:

7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

As a prior military officer, I find this scripture to be a very powerful example of military protocol, discipline, and order... Culturally speaking, all of our military leaders including our commander in chief's have all consulted the bible while making decisions about military force... This often times is the difference between victory and defeat...

This scripture speaks of the importance of the gatekeeper...
In this situation as all situations, the gatekeeper is one who is trusted to hold the keys to the kingdom; if you will... This person must be held to the highest scrutiny in order to ensure his trustworthiness... If at any time, this person loses focus or become breached in any way, it is the kingdom that is at risk... Pres. Obama is our gatekeeper to the world... He is expected to be held to the highest scrutiny because we are the kingdom he has been given the power to safe keep... Of course, we have gatekeepers all throughout government and our society at all levels... Anyone who has the ability to let you into anything is a gatekeeper... We as a nation, have lost our since of security even after 911... We are very relaxed when it comes to our personal security... I believe this is "America's Achilles heel..." We take it way to lightly when we hire a hotel night clerk for example... This person technically has all the keys to that particular hotel (Kingdom)... If this person is not one of high moral turpitude, then nothing or no one in this hotel is safe... But (first big but in the room) we as a nation have forgotten the lessons of our past and have allowed "unscrupulous" individual to become gatekeepers... In my post: "Pres. Obama: "What does a gay guy have in common with Patton???"" I spell out a scenario where a gay hotel clerk was stalking me around the hotel... It probably seemed light to some but as a former police officer, any violation of "privacy by these pirates" should be harshly dealt with...
With that said, I am convinced Secretary Gates is the right "gatekeeper" for our military in defense of our national interest... He displays the military aptitude and strategic warfare planning skills necessary to analyze the needs of our troops to not only win but bring this war to a peaceful resolution...
"Secretary Gates, "I salute you!!!""
"Do you feel me???"
"Let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can...""

This is some exciting stuff...
Lastly, now I am sure you have heard of the Erin Andrews peephole voyeur case in the news... This is a really strange case... This again goes back to our relaxed sense of security on all levels... First of all, I am amazed that a woman of such high profile, who I am sure stay in hotels all the time, could allow herself to be victimized in such away... I am a two-hundred and fifty pound African American male who stay in hotels regularly and I take precautions to insure that no one can see through the peep hole... This a security matter for me, not so much that some one will get peek at the "jewels," but ( big phat cya but in the room) more to the fact that it allows a "privacy pirate" the ability to determine when I am in or out... I am not at all a high profile person, yet I choose to stay in hotels with hallway security cameras that work... I also check the peephole to ensure that it actually works properly or a least stick a piece of toilet paper in it...

This case is more about this woman's choices and some would say, "very ignorant choices..." Let me also say that, "I have stayed in many hotels 2 - 4 star hotels in the last five years and I only found one peephole that allowed someone to actually see through from the outside..." I find it amazing that this hotel where this high profile person stayed had improperly installed peepholes and especially one in this high profile individual's room...
I am sure the hotel will do a detail investigation to defend themselves... As my mother always said, "there is always two sides to every story..." I don't want to downplay the significance of this case, "peeping tom" is a crime... In this situation though, there are more things that don't add up than do... Either way, this young lady will profit from this situation... So it is more to her advantage than disadvantage from my point of veiw...
I had never heard her name prior to hearing about her case... Now her name is wide spread through-out the world... See what I mean???
If the perpetrator is caught and that is a big if, what will his story be??? I will not be surprised if this person works for the Hotel - "a gatekeeper..."

The most important matter here is that "Privacy Pirates," no matter who they are peeping on must be dealt with harshly... It is our American right to expect a respect to our privacy... We must exercise due diligence in order to keep these criminals out of our stuff no matter what it takes because privacy is our right...
For all who it may concern, security is all of our responsibility...
1-Never assume the door is locked - lock it...
2-Never assume the peephole works properly - Check it...
3-Never assume the room isn't bugged with a video - check your room for strange objects like cameras...
4-Never stay in a hotel without working hallway security cameras...
5-Always put toilet paper in the inside of the peephole to prevent anyone from seeing in...


Ms Andrews will overcome this misfortune, but (big be more careful but in the room) we should all be more careful...
If all else fails, hold the hotel accountable... By law you have a right to privacy, therefore force hotels to do proper security investigations of the gatekeeper they hire for the front desk...

"Do you feel me???"
"Let me hear you say, "Yes, yes, yes we can!!!"

"Pres. Obama: "The audacity of Privacy Pirates!!!""

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee!!!""


This is some really exciting stuff we witness everyday...
Let me start off by saying that the tribute to Michael Jackson was more than a memorial; it was an American story... An American story that speaks of all the things that cause us to call ourselves American... The Michael Jackson story did not end on the day his heart gave out; it did not end at that moving memorial tribute; the Michael Jackson story will never end as long as there is breath left in an American any where...

Yes, the Michael Jackson story is a story that is colorless...
It is a story that is genderless...
It is a story that cross every cultural boundary...
Yes, the Michael Jackson story is our story...
For how many of us have dreamed to be loved and appreciated for who we are...
How many of us strive to overcome obstacles everyday in order to free ourselves from the bonds that so easily entrap us...
How many of us dream of having a different look or tone or height or weight...
So Michael Jackson is just like all of us -


This is some exciting stuff...
As I watched the tribute yesterday, I was so greatly moved at the so many different perspective of the man - Michael that was so eloquently presented to us from such a diverse group of Americans... I was greatly moved by the remarks made by Ms Brooke Shields...


Brooke was someone who knew the humorous Michael... She told story of a young man that only wanted to do one thing; laugh... Then there was Rev. Al Sharpton, who put everything about this man of colour into it's proper perspective...


But (yes the first big phat but in the room) the person I believe is the true hero of the hour for all of us was Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee... Rep Jackson - Lee is not unknown to us... She is the one person that was not afraid to step into the ring, strap on the gloves, and knocked out all of this "Great American's" critics for once and for all...

Please allow me to go lateral here for a minute.... I have history with Rep. Jackson - Lee... This is not the first time in my blog that I have had the opportunity to honor this "Great American" hero... In my post: "The Audacity of the House Niggers," I highlighted the stand she took in the Jena six case when it was addressed by the congress... This woman of great character, patriotism, and truth reprimanded the federal judge (who was also black) for his lack of involvement in this case before it got out of hand... Rep. Jackson - Lee truly understands her role as a leader in the House of Representative as well as her obligation to her heritage... When others sat idly by with their arms folded, Rep. Lee dared to forge out into the deep and stand strong for all of US(A) especially US(A) of color...

Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee, for your intestinal fortitude and for standing up for US(A), we "Salute" you...


Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee you are a "Great American Hero!!!"

Culturally speaking you are our present day "Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman..." You are the keeper of the flame that lights the way to "truth and liberty..." To my dismay, we are not making many more great leaders as yourself; who selflessly throw themselves into the fray for those who can't fight for themselves... Rep. Jackson - Lee, I am sure you will get a lot of negative press for introducing the congressional declaration on Michael Jackson's behalf, but (big thank you but in the room),

"Thank you..."

There is a change in the air...
For too long have we (Americans) used up our heroes, then later disown them, and then drag their name through the mud... We have done this with our veterans, our educators, our freedom fighters, and of course our congressional leaders... People that are honored around the world as great humanitians and freedom fighters are often unsung in their own backyard... We as a culture are guilty of abuse of those who stick their necks out for US(A) all... Yes, we are guilty of abuse of those that invest their time, their money, their name, and yes even their lives; as they strive to uphold the American Flag - our symbol of democracy around the world...
It is Enough...

Yes, we are guilty of killing Michael Jackson...
And the sad thing is that Michael Jackson always forgave us for all that we did to him... But (it kinda late but in the room) after his demise we try to make amends...

For countless others it is too late... For Michael Jackson, the best way to say we are sorry is to recognize his good works... For the bible tells us: "he/she without sin cast the first stone..."

Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee said it best, Michael Jackson was a "Good Samaritan!!!" The bible does not tell us anything about the personal life of the good Samaritan just simply of his good deed... Let's do the same for Michael Jackson... We know all the negative stories about this man; true and untrue... It time to give honor to the good stories of how he was loved and respected as an humanitarian the world over...
Few can make this claim...

This is some exciting stuff...
Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee, thank you for your tireless devotion to truth... Thank you for upholding liberty for all Americans... And most of all, thank you for standing up for your heritage... As I said in my post: "The Audacity of the House Niggers," If we don't stand up for ourselves, who do we expect to do it???

Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee, I say again, " you are a "Great American Leader!!!""
"I salute you...""You are my Hero!!!"
"Do you feel me???"
"I know you do..."
"Let me hear you say, "yes, we can...""

"Pres. Obama: "The Audacity of Rep. Sheila Jackson - Lee!!!""
