Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama Remember: I am (Still) Mad as Hell and I'm Not taking it Sitting Down!!!"

It is time to do something as "we the people" of the United States of America...It seems that when Bush don't get his way the fuel prices start going up... And when Bush gets what he wants, he rewards us by lowering the fuel cost...
I have not done a study but I can see and it looks that way to me... Either way, the people should be mad as hell. We must take action ourselves or we will boil over as a "culture!" How much more can we be expected to take... I have called all the organizations to ask what can be done... I blog about it all the time... I talk about it all the time... But noone has an answer... I have an answer!!! Let's boycott Opec for weeks and file individual lawsuit against the energy dept... Even better, lets protest all around this nation at every gas station until the oil prices come down... Even better, let's all go on wellfare until the government, that is suppose to be for the people, gets the picture...
I am sure you can hear my frustration and I am not alone... I don't know exactly what we can do but one thing is for sure, we have got to do something...We the people of the United States are going to have to take charge of our own dsetiny other wise we are doomed... It might already be too late... I am afraid that if something isn't done soon, the dollar is going to be in the drench and we are going to be begging the third world for help...
Now of course there are those "Fat Cats" that have stashed tons of euros away from kickbacks and down right thief from our tax dollars who don't give a damn, but for most of us this is the only country we have... If we don't do something, who's fault will it be??? If we don't do something, what kind of future will we have???
This is a sad story...
What in hell were we fighting for all over the world to come home to ruin??? Is this crazy or what...It is getting really ugly out here and we are the ones looking bad... Like I said, I am mad as hell and I am ready to do something drastic... When John Lewis was in the the fight for "civil rights," he along with Andy, Jessie, Martin and the like did something drastic to make change happen... No, I am not talking about something violent, that is not me... But I am seriously talking about something drastic... I can not imagine how "Wall Street" gets a bump when oil prices go up... Dahhhhh!!!
We must do something drastic enough to get the attention of our sleeping or out to lunch government... I don't believe the President even realize "how fuel prices are defining our culture???" And our governing body representatives make too much money and don't feel the pain of us average folk... I hope CNN, MSNBC, and any other media outlet will call me in order to start this conversation...
As most of you know, I use to drive a "big truck" as a day job (until I am discovered :)) and it costed me $4:00 per gallon... That's 150gals everyday... And no, the shipper don't cover all the fuel cost... If you are wondering why the cost of everything is going up check out the cost of diesel... Prices will rise in direct collation with fuel cost... Now ladies and gentlemen, that means the increase is pasted down to us... Dahhhhhh!!!
"I am (Still) Mad as Hell and I'm not taking it Sitting Down!!!